

Global: Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

All fast moving consumer goods products (both food & non-food) including packaged foods, snacks, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, household cleaning products, personal care, beauty products, pet care, etc.
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Global: Transportation, Travel & Tourism

All modes of transportation such as air, train, bus, taxi, subway systems, rideshares services, bike shares, car rentals, ferries, as well as all forms of travel/tourism including cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, travel websites and booking services, travel tours, tourism campaigns, etc.
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Quick Service, casual dining, mid-scale, white table cloth and other restaurants. Any type of restaurant may enter.
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Open to all retail companies (online and/or brick & mortar) with general or specific merchandise. E.g., department stores; online retailers; clothing, shoes or jewelry stores; food retailers; movie/book stores; discount/bulk retailers; pet care; toy stores; specialty stores; etc.
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Travel & Tourism

Cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, travel websites and booking services, travel tours, tourism campaigns, etc.
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5 for 50

For the most enduringly effective and inspirational brands globally. 
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Global: Business-to-Business

This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses.  Business-to-business efforts for any type of product or service, from any marketplace segment, are eligible to enter. 
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Global: Media Idea

This is about outstanding effectiveness as a result of media-led ideas. The line between what constitutes a creative idea and a media idea is blurring. There are occasions when the media idea drove the entire effort. Of course, media cannot exist without the content, but this award is intended to recognize those cases that were led by the media thinking – where the integration of media and message led to the success.  The award honors media-led ideas that are powerful enough to become the genesis of the communications program itself, to the extent that the program would not have been successful without the strategic media idea.
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Disease Awareness & Education: Advocacy

This category is for efforts produced by government, academic, or non-profit organizations to bring awareness/education to specific health conditions.  Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers are eligible for this award.  

Note: Disease Awareness & Education efforts may not be entered into Positive Change categories.
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Disease Awareness & Education: Charitable/Research Funding

Efforts dedicated to generating funding/donations/support for research, treatment and care of specific health conditions.
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Disease Awareness & Education: Non-Profit

Public health and non-profit cause marketing efforts produced to raise awareness/education about specific health conditions. Efforts may be targeted to healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers.
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Disease Awareness & Education: Pharma/Corporate

Brand/Client efforts designed to educate and/or promote health awareness.  Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers are eligible for this award. 
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Healthcare - OTC

Marketing communications efforts for products that are sold without a prescription that address a specific health condition. Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers. Note: Only products that address a specific health condition should enter this category – there are separate categories for Personal Care and Beauty efforts.

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Healthcare - Rx - Consumer/DTC

Efforts for prescription required drugs that are directed to patients and/or consumers.  Note: Entrants must detail any regulatory challenges that impacted the effort.
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Healthcare - Rx - Devices

Marketing communications efforts that were developed for devices that address a specific health condition that requires a  prescription for surgical placement, use or purchase. Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals and/or patients are eligible to enter this category.    Note: Entrants must detail any regulatory challenges that impacted the effort.
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Healthcare - Rx - Professional

Efforts for prescription required drugs and other healthcare products that are directed to healthcare professionals.  Note: Entrants must detail any regulatory challenges that impaced the effort.
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Healthcare Services

Marketing communications efforts that were developed for hospitals, HMOs, health insurance companies, referral services, dental and medical care services, pharmacies or chronic care facilities.  Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers are eligible for this award.

This category is considered a Product/Service category - entrants may only submit an effort into one product/service category (includes Health & main NA categories).
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Positive Change

Positive Change - Environmental: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations  with marketing programs that have measurably shifted audience (B2B or B2C) behavior toward more environmentally sustainable choices, grown demand for more sustainable products and services, and/or measurably drove positive impact for their cause by incorporating environmentally-conscious messaging into their marketing communications.
*A special entry form is required for the Positive Change: Environmental categories.
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Positive Change - Environmental: Brands

Effective marketing communications that incorporate sustainable strategies can make a positive difference for brands and for the environment. 
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Positive Change - Social Good: Brands

Recognizing brands that are making the world a better place by using the power of their communications platforms for "good."  This category celebrates for-profit brand efforts that effectively combined business goals with a social cause (health, education, community, family, etc) and successfully related that cause back to the company's overall brand strategy, resulting in positive business and social impact.  

Note: Efforts focused on environmental sustainability issues should enter the Positive Change - Environmental category.  Questions? Contact us at positivechange@effie.org

Note: Efforts focused on disease awareness & education should enter either Disease Awareness & Education: Advocacy or Pharma/Corporate.    Questions?  Contact health@effie.org
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Positive Change - Social Good: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations whose communications efforts have effectively driven positive change for society and successfully contributed back to the organization's purpose.  Campaigns must show measurable impact and proven results in support of the cause.  

Note: Efforts focused on environmental sustainability issues should enter into the Positive Change - Environmental category.  Questions? Contact us at positivechange@effie.org

Note: Efforts focused on disease awareness & education should enter either Disease Awareness & Education: Advocacy or Pharma/Corporate.  Questions?  Contact health@effie.org
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Activations - Products & Services
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Brand Content & Entertainment

This category is for efforts that effectively reached their audience through the creation of original branded content that is not advertising.  The award honors branded content led ideas that are the heart of the communications program.  Entrants must detail the content created, how it related back to the overall brand and business goals, how it was distributed to, and shared by, the audience, and the results it achieved for the brand and business. Branded content may be produced and distributed by either publishers or independently.
  • Judges will expect to understand why branded content was chosen as a tactic.
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Brand Content & Entertainment - Products

This category is for efforts that effectively reached their audience through the creation of original branded content that is not advertising.  The award honors branded content led ideas that are the heart of the communications program.  Entrants must detail the content created, how it related back to the overall brand and business goals, how it was distributed to, and shared by, the audience, and the results it achieved for the brand and business. Branded content may be produced and distributed by either publishers or independently.
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Brand Content & Entertainment - Services

This category is for efforts that effectively reached their audience through the creation of original branded content that is not advertising.  The award honors branded content led ideas that are the heart of the communications program.  Entrants must detail the content created, how it related back to the overall brand and business goals, how it was distributed to, and shared by, the audience, and the results it achieved for the brand and business. Branded content may be produced and distributed by either publishers or independently.
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Brand Experience: AR/VR/Digital

This category is not for efforts that focused on TV, radio or print ads to connect with an audience. It is meant to showcase how you can create a brand experience beyond traditional advertising. Work that truly brought a brand or product to life and interacted with a specific audience to achieve desired objectives should be entered. You may have re-invented the product demo, re-imagined the pop-up store, or led a “brick and mortar” retail overhaul; you could have created a new game, an alternate or virtual reality experience or interactive/immersive film experience that effectively showcases a new product or brand personality – it could have been anything. As long as you can prove it truly came alive and worked. The winners of this award will show how advertisers are reaching out to their audiences to establish meaningful relationships, memorable, engaging experiences, and unique connections with their brands.
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Brand Experience: Live

This category is not for efforts that focused on TV, radio or print ads to connect with an audience. It is meant to showcase how you can create a brand experience beyond traditional advertising. Work that truly brought a brand or product to life and interacted with a specific audience to achieve desired objectives should be entered. You may have re-invented the product demo, re-imagined the pop-up store, or led a “brick and mortar” retail overhaul; you could have created a new game, an alternate or virtual reality experience or interactive/immersive film experience that effectively showcases a new product or brand personality – it could have been anything. As long as you can prove it truly came alive and worked. The winners of this award will show how advertisers are reaching out to their audiences to establish meaningful relationships, memorable, engaging experiences, and unique connections with their brands.
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Brand Experience: Live + AR/VR/Digital

This category is not for efforts that focused on TV, radio or print ads to connect with an audience. It is meant to showcase how you can create a brand experience beyond traditional advertising. Work that truly brought a brand or product to life and interacted with a specific audience to achieve desired objectives should be entered. You may have re-invented the product demo, re-imagined the pop-up store, or led a “brick and mortar” retail overhaul; you could have created a new game, an alternate or virtual reality experience or interactive/immersive film experience that effectively showcases a new product or brand personality – it could have been anything. As long as you can prove it truly came alive and worked. The winners of this award will show how advertisers are reaching out to their audiences to establish meaningful relationships, memorable, engaging experiences, and unique connections with their brands.
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Brand Integration & Entertainment Partnerships

This award honors those brands that have effectively reached their audience via strategic integrations & entertainment partnerships.  Cases will detail how the brand was seamlessly interwoven within the right content in an engaging way.  They will also discuss the strategic reasoning behind the partnership (why was this partner chosen over others),  the selection process of the partner, and how this partnership led to the results that met the objectives of the brand.
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Branded Utility

This category honors marketers who are creating a product, or more likely a 'service’, in response to the marketing or business challenge faced that is NOT being sold, but is part of the marketing program itself; the intention being to reflect and reinforce the central beliefs of the brand by providing utility to consumers.

Entrants must detail the product/service created in response to the challenge, explain its role and objectives, how it was communicated to the audience, and obviously, the results it achieved.

Examples:  Free access to power at airports from a tech company, a training app for a sports brand, new/unique online or offline content or services that compliment the brand, hosting a community that provides shared wisdom and relief to anxious parents from a 'mothers' brand.' 

Note:  Judges will expect to understand the ongoing utility to consumers of the product/service created and how it helped enhance the success of the brand.

Effie Tip:  A useful background read is the  article below, which whilst every word within it is not endorsed by Effie, is a very helpful overview: http://www.contagiousmagazine.com/resources/BU_extracts.pdf

Note: This category was initially introduced as the 2014 Yearly Topical Category.
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This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses. Business-to-business efforts for any type of product or service, from any marketplace segment, are eligible to enter.
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Business-to-Business - Products

This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses. Business-to-business efforts for any type of product or service, from any marketplace segment, are eligible to enter.
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Business-to-Business - Services

This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses. Business-to-business efforts for any type of product or service, from any marketplace segment, are eligible to enter.
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Carpe Diem - Products

(formerly Single Impact Engagement)
This category is looking for those brands that had the insight to know how and when to “throw a stone into a pond” and maximize the ripple effect from that initial throw.

The cases entered into this category will show how to put a brand or product in an intensely bright spotlight to create immediate and measurable impact.

Winners will represent those who had the insight and creativity to craft those unexpected and unconventional moments for a brand. The best examples will see live experiences, moments, stunts, and tactics, online & off line, perhaps amplified through PR, social media, digital engagement, or even the use of content created in the moment to fuel paid campaigns.

This category spotlights those effective strategic efforts that were able to generate real desired results as a direct outcome from a single significant moment of activity.

Effie Tip: Review past winners in this category: http://www.effie.org/case_studies/by_category/85
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Carpe Diem - Services

(formerly Single Impact Engagement)
This category is looking for those brands that had the insight to know how and when to “throw a stone into a pond” and maximize the ripple effect from that initial throw.

The cases entered into this category will show how to put a brand or service in an intensely bright spotlight to create immediate and measurable impact.

Winners will represent those who had the insight and creativity to craft those unexpected and unconventional moments for a brand. The best examples will see live experiences, moments, stunts, and tactics, online & off line, perhaps amplified through PR, social media, digital engagement, or even the use of content created in the moment to fuel paid campaigns.

This category spotlights those effective strategic efforts that were able to generate real desired results as a direct outcome from a single significant moment of activity.

Effie Tip: Review past winners in this category: http://www.effie.org/case_studies/by_category/85
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Corporate Reputation

This category is for communications that promote corporations, not exclusively their products. Includes sponsorships, image & identity. In addition to presenting metrics related to the reputation, entrants are encouraged to also address how these metrics relate to the business of the brand and why they are important.
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David vs. Goliath

This is an award for smaller, new, or emerging brands: 
  • making inroads against big, established leaders
  • taking on “sleeping giants” 
  • moving into a new product/service field beyond their current category and set of competitors to tackle a dominant leader
Entrants must detail the business challenge, the competitive landscape, and how their business succeeded despite the odds. You are required to define your competitive landscape, including the market difference between the David and Goliath to demonstrate why your brand was a David.

Judges will deduct from your case if you do not sufficiently prove that your brand is a David in the situation. 

Note: Winners (at any award level) in the 2015 competition in this category are not eligible to enter this category in 2016.
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Engaged Community

This category is about managing effective, engaged communities.  Entrants will be brands that are creating content, experiences, platforms, news, etc. that get their communities to grow, engage, share, act or amplify messaging in a way that directly relates to the brand’s goals.  Entrants will need to state clearly how they managed the community, how they defined effectiveness around the community, what they specifically achieved, and why the engaged community was significant for the development of the brand/business.
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Marketing Disruptors

This award honors efforts that grew their business / brand by changing the marketing model in ways that drive the industry forward.  This includes marketing disruptors of any size.  Cases will detail the marketing challenge, the competitive landscape and how they succeeded by changing the existing marketing model for the brand / category.
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Marketing Disruptors - Products

This award honors efforts that grew their business / brand by changing the marketing model in ways that drive the industry forward.  This includes marketing disruptors of any size.
Cases will detail the marketing challenge, the competitive landscape and how they succeeded by changing the existing marketing model for the brand / category.
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Marketing Innovation Solutions

This category awards single marketing activities or entire marketing programs. Cases may include actions or business ideas that have had an exceptionally positive impact on the market position of a brand, product or service.  Efforts with commnuications that had a significant element of marketing mix will not be in this category.  
Examples of campaign activities in this category include: product innovation; change in packaging, both in terms of its appearance and size; design, technology or ux innovation; consumer involvement in product development; introduction/change of a loyalty program, introduction of a new distribution channel, etc. 
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Any effort whose success was dependent on effectively connecting with a specific cultural group, e.g.  African-American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, etc.   If the entry had multiple audiences, it is necessary to demonstrate results for the specific audience detailed in the entry.

Identify any elements in the creative work or strategy that are specifically directed to this community and any relevant cultural differences, dynamics and/or nuances, traditions, values, linguistic characteristics, and their significance with respect to your submission. Judges may not be familiar with your particular segment, so this is your opportunity to showcase the details that they may miss.
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Multicultural - Products

Any effort whose success was dependent on effectively connecting with a specific cultural group, e.g.  African-American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, etc.   If the entry had multiple audiences, it is necessary to demonstrate results for the specific audience detailed in the entry.

Identify any elements in the creative work or strategy that are specifically directed to this community and any relevant cultural differences, dynamics and/or nuances, traditions, values, linguistic characteristics, and their significance with respect to your submission. Judges may not be familiar with your particular segment, so this is your opportunity to showcase the details that they may miss.
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Multicultural - Services

Any effort whose success was dependent on effectively connecting with a specific cultural group, e.g.  African-American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, etc.   If the entry had multiple audiences, it is necessary to demonstrate results for the specific audience detailed in the entry.

Identify any elements in the creative work or strategy that are specifically directed to this community and any relevant cultural differences, dynamics and/or nuances, traditions, values, linguistic characteristics, and their significance with respect to your submission. Judges may not be familiar with your particular segment, so this is your opportunity to showcase the details that they may miss.
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New Product or Service Introduction or Line Extension

Any communications effort used to introduce a new product or service that is not a line extension. Brand new products or new products in a new category are eligible. 

Effie defines line extension as:
  • Any variation of an existing product that shares the same brand name and is in the same category as the existing product and shares the same characteristics as the parent but offers new benefit (flavor, size, package, type, etc.) 
  • A derivative product that adds or modifies features without significantly changing the price
  • Products that bear the same brand name and offer the consumer varied options (e.g. Diet version of drink) 

Your entry must be written to address how your product and service was new and the situation you faced as a result of it being new. For example, what specifically was new? Why did the newness matter? Write the entry to address the category situation (new product/service introductions) similar to what you would do when writing your entry to address a category situation like sustained success, etc.
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This is an award for rebirth campaigns. To enter your brand must have experienced a downturn of several years and a period of at least six months of upturn sales. Entrants must detail the business challenge, the situation of the brand, the competitive landscape and how the effort succeeded.

Note: Your entry must address the previous marketing investment and strategy as part of the entry context. Also, provide detail on the length of the renaissance.
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Seasonal Marketing

Seasons, holidays and events allow marketers the opportunity to build strategic communications based on the time-based interests of their target audience.  This category will honor those efforts that effectively capitalized on a season, holiday or cultural event to drive results for their business. 
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Seasonal Marketing- Products

Seasons, holidays and events allow marketers the opportunity to build strategic communications based on the time-based interests of their target audience.  This category will honor those efforts that effectively capitalized on a season, holiday or cultural event to drive results for their business. 
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Seasonal Marketing- Services

Seasons, holidays and events allow marketers the opportunity to build strategic communications based on the time-based interests of their target audience.  This category will honor those efforts that effectively capitalized on a season, holiday or cultural event to drive results for their business. 
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Small Budgets - Non-Profit

Cases eligible for this category must represent the only communications efforts for this brand (brand defined as listed in the “brand” question of the Effie entry form) during the time period that the effort entered ran.

To be eligible, an entry may not be for a line extension.  Effie defines line extension as: a variation of an existing product with the same brand name and same category but with a new characteristic, a derivative of the product or service that offers modified features without significantly changing price; a product bearing the same name and offering a varied option (e.g. new flavor, diet version, etc.).

Value of donated and non-traditional media as well as activation costs must be included.

Budget eligibility is as follows:
  • Local Efforts: $1 million or less
  • Regional Efforts: $2 million or less
  • National Efforts: $5 million or less
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Small Budgets - Products

Cases eligible for this category must represent the only communications efforts for this brand (brand defined as listed in the “brand” question of the Effie entry form) during the time period that the effort entered ran.
To be eligible, an entry may not be for a line extension.  Effie defines line extension as: a variation of an existing product with the same brand name and same category but with a new characteristic, a derivative of the product or service that offers modified features without significantly changing price; a product bearing the same name and offering a varied option (e.g. new flavor, diet version, etc.).
Value of donated and non-traditional media as well as activation costs must be included.
Budget eligibility is as follows:
  • Local Efforts: $1 million or less
  • Regional Efforts: $2 million or less
  • National Efforts: $5 million or less
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Small Budgets - Services

Cases eligible for this category must represent the only communications efforts for this brand (brand defined as listed in the “brand” question of the Effie entry form) during the time period that the effort entered ran.
To be eligible, an entry may not be for a line extension.  Effie defines line extension as: a variation of an existing product with the same brand name and same category but with a new characteristic, a derivative of the product or service that offers modified features without significantly changing price; a product bearing the same name and offering a varied option (e.g. new flavor, diet version, etc.).
Value of donated and non-traditional media as well as activation costs must be included.
Budget eligibility is as follows:
  • Local Efforts: $1 million or less
  • Regional Efforts: $2 million or less
  • National Efforts: $5 million or less
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Sustained Success - Non-Profit

Products, service or non-profit communications efforts that have experienced sustained success for more than 3 years are eligible for entry. At a minimum, the creative work and case results must date back to August 31, 2016, and you must include the current year’s results. Entries must have a common objective in both strategy and creative executions; with a continuation of core executional elements (e.g., spokesperson, song, theme, tagline, etc.) that demonstrates effectiveness over time.
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Sustained Success - Products

Products communications efforts that have experienced sustained success for more than 3 years are eligible for entry. At a minimum, the case results must date back to August 31, 2015 and you must include the current year’s results. Entries submitted for competition must have a common objective in both strategy and creative executions; with a continuation of core executional elements (Ex. spokesperson, song, theme, tagline, etc.) that demonstrates effectiveness over time. To enter you must be able to provide data about the case in its first year, an interim year and the most current year. The current year’s results must be included.

Note: There is a special entry form and different creative requirements for the Sustained Success Award.
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Sustained Success - Services

Service communications efforts that have experienced sustained success for more than 3 years are eligible for entry. At a minimum, the case results must date back to August 31, 2015 and you must include the current year’s results. Entries submitted for competition must have a common objective in both strategy and creative executions; with a continuation of core executional elements (Ex. spokesperson, song, theme, tagline, etc.) that demonstrates effectiveness over time. To enter you must be able to provide data about the case in its first year, an interim year and the most current year. The current year’s results must be included.

Note: There is a special entry form and different creative requirements for the Sustained Success Award.
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Topical Marketing

This category reconizes cases that effectively leveraged immediate relevance, interest or importance via a targeted marketing/PR strategy around current events (e.g. elections, World Cup, Olympics, economics, etc.)
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Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.
Your entry should be written in a way that identifies how the case was created and specifically directed to this audience and how it succeeded.
Identify any elements in the creative work or strategy that are specifically directed to the youth market and any relevant dynamics and/or nuances, trends, values, linguistic characteristics, and their significance with respect to your submission. Judges may not be familiar with this particular youth audience, so this is your opportunity to showcase the details that they may miss.
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