

Commerce & Shopper

Commerce & Shopper: Awareness, Trial, and Conversion

For efforts that used shopper insights to increase awareness and trial to lead to conversion for their established products/brands.  Efforts for this award are to demonstrate the business issue behind why awareness & trial were the main components in driving conversion.  Entries in this category must also include conversion results.  

Note: New products/services and new line extensions may not enter this category. These efforts should enter New Products/Services.
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Commerce & Shopper: Brand Experience

This award features work that truly brought a brand, product or retailer to life – either literally or virtually – and interacted with shoppers to influence conversion. Efforts may be focused on re-inventing the product demo, re-imagining the pop-up store, or led a “brick and mortar” retail overhaul, or created a new game/interactive film experience that effectively showcases a new product or brand personality. As long it truly came alive and worked. The winners and finalists of this award show how brands and/or retailers are reaching out to their audiences to establish meaningful relationships, memorable engaging experiences, and unique connections.
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Commerce & Shopper: Category/Aisle Evolution

Some of the most impactful shopper marketing efforts occur when a deep understanding of shoppers’ attitudes, behaviors, and needs lead to innovative category/aisle evolution – changing the category/aisle to drive engagement with the shopper. Cases will outline how the effort utilized shopper activation at shelf or shopper awareness of evolution to enhance the shopping experience and drove greater engagement, conversion and category growth. These efforts will be sustainable evolutions and not simply promotional in nature.
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Commerce & Shopper: Challenger Brand Solutions

(formerly David vs. Goliath)
This is an award for smaller, new, or emerging brands:
  • making inroads against big, established leaders
  • taking on “sleeping giants”
  • moving into a new product/service field beyond their current category and set of competitors to tackle a dominant leader 
Challenger brands are defined as having less than 15% of branded market share in the product/service category.

Cases will detail the business challenge, the competitive landscape, and how their business succeeded despite the odds. They will also define the competitive landscape, including the market difference between the entered brand and it’s top competitors to demonstrate why the brand was a challenger. 
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Commerce & Shopper: Data-Driven

This category honors brands and retailers using data, analytics, and technology to identify and match the right shopper to the right message at the right time.  Cases will explain how efforts utilized data (i.e., category data, retail channel data, shopper data) to guide commercial growth strategies, support the shopper journey, and ultimately meet their business objectives.  They may also highlight any advanced analytic capabilities that contributed to the success of the program, such as market mix modeling, price elasticity, and Return On Investment (ROI) measurement & analysis.
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Commerce & Shopper: Digital Media Solution

Utilizing digital media solutions, including retail media channels, can be an effective way to influence shoppers and drive conversion. Whether it be utilizing a retailer’s loyalty program, couponing, owned media, or digital platform, retail and digital media channels can influence the shopper at the point of purchase and/or at the point of choice.  Submissions in this category will highlight how brands and retailers are working together using these media channels to reach the shopper.  They will also identify the specific target and how the campaign connected the shopper target with the digital media.
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Commerce & Shopper: E-Commerce

The category is for campaigns that effectively used shopper insights, strategy, and creative to drive e-commerce customer journey and purchase.  By utilizing data, insights, and a deep understanding of the shopper, brands and retailers can succeed in an e-commerce setting. 

Successful efforts will combine deep understanding of the shopper with digital marketing practices to increase conversion online.  Submissions in this category will be solely evaluated on e-commerce effectiveness.  The effort will be focused on a shopper insight and be shopper-driven.
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Commerce & Shopper: Loyalty

This category will highlight efforts that were designed with loyalty as the driver for the effort. Cases will detail how the program effectively targeted and engaged their target by developing an ongoing relationship between the shopper and the retailer or brand, while increasing loyalty.
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Commerce & Shopper: Media Innovation

Changing the rules to maximize conversion. 
This award showcases those who had the insight and creativity to change the way a particular media channel is consumed or to create a new channel. The award goes to brands and retailers who reached out of the conventional approach to grab their shopper and effectively engage with them. 

Cases will identify the specific target and how the campaign influenced conversion.  Whether the effort was one execution or multiple, and/or used one engagement channel or multiple – the work will represent new and creative usage of the media channels we know and love or have not yet met.
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Commerce & Shopper: Multi-Brand Shopper Solution

Shoppers are looking for ways to tackle everyday challenges, whether it’s what to prepare for dinner or how to maintain a beautiful lawn – they want all-in-one solutions. This award celebrates multi-brand/product/manufacturer solutions that came together to address exactly what their target shopper needed.  Cases in this category address the rationale behind the creation of these differentiated shopper solutions.  Brands may be from a single manufacturer or multiple manufacturers.  Shopper solutions may be developed by manufacturer(s) and/or retailers.
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Commerce & Shopper: Multi-Manufacturer Shopper Solution

Shoppers are looking for ways to tackle everyday challenges, whether it’s what to prepare for dinner or how to maintain beautiful lawn – they want all-in-one solutions. This award celebrates multi-vendor solutions that came together to address exactly what their target shopper needed.  
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Commerce & Shopper: Multi-Retailer Program

For campaigns that ran with a central idea and executed that idea via dedicated rollouts to three or more different retail chains. Cases in this category will highlight and explain both the cohesive thread working at each retailer, and the specific customizations that were done for each retailer.  They will also outline the specific barriers and challenges in tailoring their solution to each retailer – elaborating on the nuances among the shopper segment and insights at each retailer, differences in retail environments, etc.
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Commerce & Shopper: Omni-Channel Shopper Solution

In a time when people have more choices than ever, delivering an effective omni-channel experience to shoppers is key to sustained business success.  This category features cases that exemplify the manufacturers and retailers who have ensured an effective, connected shopper journey.
This category showcases how manufacturers and retailers are connecting the dots in their engagement strategies to ensure simple, seamless, effective experiences across the shoppers’ path to purchase.         

In-store, online, customer service, loyalty programs, mobile apps, delivery services, social media, aisle disruption… it could entail anything - as long as you can show how it was all connected to provide a fully-integrated “shopper journey” from beginning to end.

Winners and finalists in this category represent the best examples of manufacturers and retailers committed to providing effective omni-channel commerce and shopper programs.
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Commerce & Shopper: Seasonal/Event

The most effective manufacturers and retailers are the ones that can strategically plan for and react to the events that most impact their shoppers. This category features events, platforms or programs that were created to meet the demands of the shopper that are driven by a season, holiday or cultural event.  

Cases will explain the insight into their shoppers that led to adjusting product and/or creating events/seasonally-based platforms and programs to be in-line with their needs and shopping mindset during a specific time period. Innovative shopper events, strategically created by the retailer and/or manufacturer, may enter here as well.
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Commerce & Shopper: Single-Retailer Program- Drugstores

For campaigns that ran with a tailored, retailer-specific idea and executed that idea at a single retail chain. The work in this category will provide insights as to how an effort was effectively designed to work with the particular retailer and the shoppers of that retailer.  Cases will elaborate on the specific shopper barriers affecting their brand at that retailer and how they addressed those issues in a customized way for that particular retailer.
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Commerce & Shopper: Single-Retailer Program- Mass Merchants

For campaigns that ran with a tailored, retailer-specific idea and executed that idea at a single retail chain. The work in this category will provide insights as to how an effort was effectively designed to work with the particular retailer and the shoppers of that retailer.  Cases will elaborate on the specific shopper barriers affecting their brand at that retailer and how they addressed those issues in a customized way for that particular retailer.
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Commerce & Shopper: Single-Retailer Program- Other

For campaigns that ran with a tailored, retailer-specific idea and executed that idea at a single retail chain. The work in this category will provide insights as to how an effort was effectively designed to work with the particular retailer and the shoppers of that retailer.  Cases will elaborate on the specific shopper barriers affecting their brand at that retailer and how they addressed those issues in a customized way for that particular retailer.
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Commerce & Shopper: Single-Retailer Program- Supermarkets

For campaigns that ran with a tailored, retailer-specific idea and executed that idea at a single retail chain. The work in this category will provide insights as to how an effort was effectively designed to work with the particular retailer and the shoppers of that retailer.  Cases will elaborate on the specific shopper barriers affecting their brand at that retailer and how they addressed those issues in a customized way for that particular retailer.
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