
Disease Awareness & Education: Advocacy

Efforts produced by government, academic, or non-profit organizations to bring awareness/education to specific health conditions.



Be a Failure

Smoking cessation programs in Canada span from scare tactics on packages to superficial “You Can Do It” campaigns. And yet many adult smokers continue their habit, resistant to these messages. It takes on average 30 attempts to quit and research showed us that habitual smokers that tried to quit before and were embarrassed by their failure. So, we set out to change this by embracing failure. We welcomed the reality that attempts to quit smoking are likely to fail, but that’s okay – it’s how you quit. 

Brand: Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care
Client: Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care 
Agency: BBDO Toronto
Language: English

Stop Profiling

In 2017, truth® had to spark outrage to keep driving down youth smoking. It’s a continual challenge because young adults either don’t care about smoking or are more invested in other issues facing their generation. By reframing smoking as a social justice issue rather than a public health issue, we were able to appeal to this diverse generation’s built-in values of diversity, inclusion, and equality. Our campaign got young adults leaning in and drove down both their smoking intent and incidence.

Brand: Truth Initiative
Client: Truth Initiative
Agency: 72andSunny
Language: English

Down Syndrome Answers

When parents learn their unborn child has Down syndrome, they have about 10 days to decide whether to keep the baby or not. Parents turn to Google with questions. To answer them, we had the real experts answer them: people living with Down syndrome every day. Down Syndrome Answers is a search-based video series answering the 40 most Googled questions about Down syndrome. Using AdWords and SEO, we intercepted a niche audience, drove 240,000 video views, increased site traffic by 161%, and created an always-on searchable resource for parents.

Brand: Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Client: Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Agency: FCB Canada
Language: English

2018_he_2018_e-2503-751_hero_1 Upstream USA Be Your Own Baby
2018_he_2018_e-2960-598_hero_1 Ad Council The Real-time Prediabetes Test
2017_he_2017_e-1313-624_hero_1 Bright Pink Too Important To "Go Viral" - Using Facebook Ads To Drive Predictable, Repeatable Impact

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