
Software & Apps

Software, groupware, operating systems, or software stored locally on a Computer/Tablet/Mobile Device.



Windows XP Yes You Can

The Microsoft Windows XP "Yes You Can" campaign was designed not only to launch a new version of Windows, but to give the sluggish PC industry a much needed, year-end shot in the arm. The strategy was to completely recast the PC as a liberating extension of self, rather than a means to an end. The core idea for the advertising, "Now you can do more of the things you want, the way you want," is an invitation to fall in love with the PC again. This new found freedom is at the heart of the creative idea expressed when users take flight after a new experience with Windows XP.

Brand: Windows
Client: Microsoft
Agency: McCann-Erickson San Francisco
Language: English

Ours Can

The Computer Associates campaign established CA's leadership in the enterprise management software category by demonstrating its ability to deliver real technology solutions. The humor in the TV made the brand more approachable to new and existing customers proving that CA had changed its ways and was on a positive path to rebuilding its brand reputation. The simplicity of the messaging combated the dizzying complexity of technology and differentiated CA from the competitors crowding the technology space. CA's campaign has created a new face for the company while paving the way for future success.

Brand: Computer Associates International, Inc.
Client: Computer Associates
Agency: Young & Rubicam New York
Language: English

Yellow Box

As more and more people shop, play and communicate online, they become increasingly vulnerable to viruses, hackers and privacy thieves. We wanted to alert people to the dangers they faced and also to offer a solution. We did this by creating a simple graphic icon for Symantec's products - a yellow box that filters out all the bad things and lets in only the good things.

Brand: Symantec
Client: Symantec Corporation
Agency: JWT
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9248-237_hero_1 SAP Be Ready
2023_us_2023_e-7883-249_hero_1 SAS The Batting Lab
2023_us_2023_e-8568-827_hero_1 Smartsheet Power your Process

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