
Small Budgets - Products

This category recognizes cases with communications efforts that ran on a small budget (Local Efforts - $1 million or less, Regional Efforts - $2 million or less, and National Efforts - $5 million or less). 



La diferencia esta en las burbujas

Brand: Güitig
Client: Tesalia Springs Company - Güitig
Agency: Saltiveri Ogilvy
Language: Spanish

IBM Flashman

Brand: IBM
Client: IBM
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Beijing
Language: Mandarin

Sampling Booth From Hell

Combining the timely launch of Maggi’s new instant noodle variant, ‘Hokkien Char Mee’ during the Hungry Ghost Festival with the cultural phenomenon of Pokemon Go, we created an unbranded piece of content (Maggi’s first ever!) that was as dark as our product’s flavourful dark sauce. At the height of social frenzy, Maggi owned up to the stunt with a reveal video. For a campaign with $0 in traditional media spend, Maggi hit a recordhigh of 188% increase in sales.

Brand: Maggi
Client: Nestlé Singapore
Agency: GOVT Singapore
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-sp011_hero_1 Oreo OREO Stacked at Stores to Stacked at Homes
2023_mn_2023_e-4162-881_hero_1 Sound On The Underwater Playlist
2023_us_2023_e-8431-138_hero_1 Clos du Bois Long Live

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