

This is an award for rebirth campaigns. To enter your brand must have experienced a downturn of more than one year and a period of at least six months of upturn sales.



Coors Light Made to Chill

Coors Light needed to drive sales in a declining light beer category where young drinkers often opted for spirits, beer, wine and weed. This young generation lives in an always-on world. Made to Chill showed them that Coors Light is more than just a light beer; it’s what you reach for when you want to chill. The campaign helped recruit a new cohort of drinkers, countering downward sales trends with a jump from -5.4% to -1.0%, and ended 2019 with a higher share of the premium lights segment.

Brand: Coors Light
Client: Molson Coors
Agency: Leo Burnett Chicago
Language: English

Credit Suisse «Zieh's durch»

Für die Kampagne hat man mit «Zieh's durch» eine durchgängige Plattform gefunden, die auf den verschiedenen Customer Journeys spielbar ist und Felder thematisiert, in denen ein guter Finanzpartner im Hintergrund bereit steht. Kernstück ist ein Manifesto-Film mit einem deutlichen Statement: Folge deinen Träumen und gestalte deine Zukunft. Eine breit angelegte Onlinekampagne mit Bewegtbild und diversen Social-Media-Aktivitäten sowie acht Kreationen für Digital-Out-of-Home, klassische Plakate und POS-Werbung, flankieren die Botschaft. Die Website wartet mit Tipps und Tricks zu jedem behandelten Thema auf, sowie in ihrer Verlängerung in Instagram & Co. Vier dokumentarische Stories vertiefen den Leitgedanken: in kurzen, realen Portraits erzählen Jugendliche, was sie antreibt und weiterbringt.

Brand: Credit Suisse VIVA
Client: CREDIT SUISSE (Schweiz) AG
Agency: Serviceplan
Language: German

The Dance

Speight’s Dance not only transformed one of New Zealand’s most iconic beer brands, it redefined modern mateship for New Zealanders. As one of the most significant pieces of communication for Speight’s in over two decades, it catapulted the brand back into cultural conversations and turned around drinkers turning away from mainstream beer. The impact of its epic storytelling was immediate and seismic, creating a chain reaction across Speight’s that step-changed perceptions, behaviour and drove unprecedented growth of a brand that many had said was dead and buried.

Brand: Speight's
Client: Lion New Zealand
Agency: DDB Group New Zealand
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9367-398_hero_1 INFINITI The Shift from Value to Valuable
2023_ap_2023_ss-br016_hero_1 Dancow Mother's Love is Perfect

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