
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 



Closer than you think

Child Focus is the Belgian center for missing and sexually exploited children. The organization spreads information about missing children by publishing their pictures and descriptions. As witnesses are vital in finding these children, it is key to reach and engage with as many people as possible, as quickly as possible.
Over the years, Child Focus’ key communication strategy has transitioned from paper posters to a combination of offline and online channels. Online platforms allow for Child Focus’ missing child posters to rapidly reach a broader and more diverse audience. Since there is virtually no advertising or media budget present to invest in digital media, over the years, public involvement proved to be crucial to ensuring the missing child posters were shared online.

Brand: Childfocus
Client: Child Focus
Agency: Wunderman Antwerp
Language: English

Scratch For A Reason

Kampanja 'Počeši s razlogom' je pokrenuta u suradnji s Referentnim centrom ministarstva zdravlja za liječenje tumora testisa kako bi se povećala svijest o prevenciji raka testisa. Najveći izazov kampanje je bio kako muškarce, koji su izuzetno nemarni po pitanju zdravlja, potaknuti na samopregled testisa kako bi na vrijeme otkrili ovu zloćudnu bolest koja se, ukoliko se otkrije na vrijeme, izuzetno uspješno liječi. Ovoj ozbiljnoj temi smo pristupili s dozom humora, a kampanju su podržale brojne javne osobe, institucije i mediji te su rezultati premašili sva očekivanja.

Brand: Ozujsko beer
Client: Zagrebacka pivovara
Agency: BBDO Zagreb
Language: Croatian

Play Unified

Brand: Special Olympics Belgium
Client: Special Olympics Belgium
Agency: LDV United
Language: English, Dutch, French

2023_bg_2023_e-2313_hero_1 Foundation Lachezar Tsotsorkov Together against colon cancer
2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market

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