
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 



Signal for Help

Before the pandemic if you were at risk of abuse there was no simple, covert way to ask for help. Today there is a globally recognized gesture – Signal for Help. Invented at the height of the pandemic, during a surge in gender-based violence the Signal became a tool that women could and were proven to be using. Inspiring activism and action on a global scale Signal for Help was adopted by 200+ organizations, across 40+ countries in 19 languages continuing to have a positive impact beyond the pandemic.

Brand: Canadian Women’s Foundation
Client: Canadian Women’s Foundation
Agency: TBWAJuniper Park
Language: English

Back to School

Sandy Hook Promise needed to recapture America's attention as the 2019-20 school year began. So we did what any brand that provides school essentials would do: we launched our own back-to-school campaign. With over 3.9 billion impressions, shares from 11 presidential candidates, and outpourings of emotion around the country, we brought the terrifying 'new normal' of gun violence to life and redefined what a back-to-school campaign could be. But most importantly, we supported Sandy Hook Promise's mission to empower each of us to stop a shooting before it can happen.

Brand: Sandy Hook Promise
Client: Sandy Hook Promise
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

Turning a box of nothing into breakfast for WA kids

Ordinarily, Foodbank’s Christmas appeal involves direct marketing pleading for donations. In 2018, we crafted an idea with a more immediate response: Hungry Puffs, the breakfast over 100,000 West Aussie kids wake up to every day.
In the lead-up to Christmas, empty boxes of Hungry Puffs were stocked in over 40 major supermarkets across Western Australia. Shoppers who were in the process of buying food for their own families were suddenly encouraged to support a much bigger cause – helping feed children who go without breakfast every day.

Brand: Foodbank WA
Client: Foodbank WA
Agency: The Brand Agency
Language: English

2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market
2021_us_2021_e-5823-830_hero_1 Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission Catalyst of Choice

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