
Positive Change - Social Good: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations whose communications efforts have effectively driven positive change for society and successfully contributed back to the organization's purpose.  Campaigns must show measurable impact and pro



Be brave – scratch for a reason

Kampanja 'Budi hrabar - počeši s razlogom' je pokrenuta u suradnji s Referentnim centrom ministarstva zdravlja za liječenje tumora testisa kako bi se povećala svijest o prevenciji raka testisa. Najveći izazov kampanje je bio kako muškarce, koji su izuzetno nemarni po pitanju zdravlja, potaknuti na odlazak kod urologa kako bi na vrijeme otkrili ovu zloćudnu bolest koja se, ukoliko se otkrije na vrijeme, izuzetno uspješno liječi. Ovoj ozbiljnoj temi smo pristupili s dozom humora, a kampanju su podržale brojne javne osobe, institucije i mediji te su rezultati premašili sva očekivanja.

Brand: Ozujsko pivo
Client: Zagrebacka pivovara
Agency: BBDO Zagreb
Language: Croatian

Child Focus - Closer than you think

For International Day Missing Children’s Day, 2017, Child Focus, the Belgian center for missing children, launched a new campaign. Following their tagline, ‘Together we will find them’, the campaign aimed to inspire Belgian citizens to actively contribute to the cause of finding missing children. The campaign managed to increase the number of shares of missing child posters on social media by a staggering 387%, and even resulted in a missing child being found and returned home safely.

Brand: Child Focus
Client: Child Focus
Agency: Wunderman Antwerp - These Days
Language: English

To the last tree standing

Thanks to the innovative approach to the definition of the target group and the unique idea for a communication strategy, it was possible to achieve a breakthrough in the protection of one of the most valuable natural places in the world - the Bialowieza Forest. The campaign effectively involved and activated young Poles - over 20,000 petitions were signed, and nearly the entire world learned about the Białowieża Forest and its situation.

Brand: Greenpeace
Client: Greenpeace
Agency: Ogilvy
Language: Polish

2024_uk_2024_e-1063-255_hero_1 NHS Organ Donation Waiting to Live: Shining a light on children waiting for a transplant
2024_pk_2024_e-3125-524_hero_1 Un Women Child Wedding Cards
2024_us_2024_e-9626-688_hero_1 AdCouncil Fentanyl Awareness Substitute Dealers

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