
Snacks & Desserts

Ice cream, candy, chips, cookies, bakery items, nut, fruit & vegetable snacks, popcorn, etc.




Oreo breathed new life into a decades old ritual to make it relevant in today’s dynamic world. Consumers had grown out of Oreo’s playfulness & considered us to be a biscuit for children. We showed them that no matter who, or how old they are, we all have a silly side. We did this through a simple concept: inviting the world to set aside differences and indulge in a delicious cookie.

Brand: Oreo
Client: Mondelez
Agency: Horizon FCB Dubai
Language: English

Nutella Spread - Ramadan

During Ramadan Nutella loses its key consumption occasion, breakfast. This drastic disruption in consumption routines gave the category of spreadable chocolate an insignificant role during Ramadan. The brand underlined an opportunity by shifting its role and really embracing this month of change. This meant shifting from bringing enthusiasm to the breakfast table to being a dessert chef that brings families together. By shifting the brand role, Nutella not only increased its penetration but established a more significant role during Ramadan by truly connecting with its KSA consumers.

Brand: Nutella Spread
Client: Ferrero Gulf
Agency: Leo Burnett
Language: English

Shoop Thematic Campaign

Shoop, a local player was competing against MNCs enjoying an accumulated market share of over 90%. The brands had been targeting the kids segment for the past 20 years and have driven the market to a point of saturation. To stay afloat, Shoop needed to create a blue ocean which it did by successfully repositioning itself and coming up with an all-inclusive norm breaking campaign that does not limit instant noodles to being an ‘only-for-kids’ snack. The results showed a growth twice as fast as the category.

Brand: Shan Shoop Instant Noodles
Client: Shan Foods Pvt. Limited
Agency: Fishbowl (Pvt) Ltd
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8967-698_hero_1 Klondike Rest in Peace, Choco Taco
2024_us_2024_e-9212-715_hero_1 Pop-Tarts Pop-Tarts Frosted Banana Bread: Launching a Vibe, Not Just a Flavor
2024_us_2024_e-9213-486_hero_1 Skittles Skittles - "Don't Throw the Rainbow"

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