
Household Supplies & Services

Cleaning products, waxes, detergents, floor-care products, fabric softeners, paper products, domestic services, mowers, fertilizers, lawn care services.



Fight to Protect the Little Things

COVID-19 brought an unprecedented crisis. During a crisis, brand actions that make a difference, create a long-lasting impact. And in such times, leaders emerge. That’s exactly what we enabled Dettol to do, helping Dettol act like a leader. While Dettol’s competitors were attempting to profiteer and fearmonger, we helped Dettol educate. In a time of fear, Dettol didn’t just advertise. Dettol acted and empowered. In transforming the narrative one of fear to confidence, Dettol resonated with shoppers across the region, earning its place as the #1 brand in the category.

Brand: Dettol
Client: Reckitt
Agency: FP7 McCann Dubai
Language: English

Tide #LaundryNight

In 2019, Tide was the most talked about brand of the NFL. By tapping into the universe of NFL and NBC fanbases, Tide sparked a national debate that got people thinking and talking about laundry more than ever before. All while telling them not to think about laundry. As a result, Tide elevated itself beyond the functional realm of stains and odors to own the entire conversation around doing laundry. Oh, and people bought a whole lot of Tide, too.

Brand: Tide
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi New York
Language: English

Be Present. Not Around.

We needed to sell more OMO. Instead, first, we sold an idea. Not just to OMO. To families across the Gulf. An idea inspired from an alarming data-driven insight. An idea that positively provoked parents to be more present with their children, not just around their children. An idea that elevated OMO’s purpose-driven journey of dirt being good. An idea that used social media but used it to get people off social media, through data-driven targeting and content. An idea that drove conversations, and growth for OMO’s brand and business.

Brand: Unilever - OMO
Client: OMO
Agency: FP7 McCann, Dubai
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8871-447_hero_1 Scotts Scott for Scotts
2023_ap_2023_sp-hs001_hero_1 Ariel See Equal #ShareTheLoad
2023_mn_2023_e-3875-661_hero_1 GIG - Emlaq Gigantic Stain

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