
Household Supplies & Services

Cleaning products, waxes, detergents, floor-care products, fabric softeners, paper products, domestic services, mowers, fertilizers, lawn care services.



AIRDIBLES: Eat Your Air Pollution

Panasonic launched the revolutionary nanoeTM range of air conditioners, which removes 99% of indoor air pollutants. Despite its superior technology, nanoeTM air conditioner sales were 2.3 times slower than the standard air conditioners. The problem; Malaysians were indifferent to the invisible threat of air pollution in their homes and unwilling to pay the premium price for a nanoeTM air conditioner. With Airdibles, we shocked consumers out of their indifference by evoking disgust, forcing them to imagine eating the air pollutants. The campaign's success grew nanoeTM air conditioner sales by 128%.

Brand: Panasonic Air Conditioner
Client: Panasonic Malaysia
Agency: Naga DDB Tribal
Language: English

Overcoming India's toilet divide

This case is an example of how a toilet cleaner brand effectively used cultural insights about people’s relationship with toilets to bring about a shift in their usage behaviour. Rural India avoided the presence of toilets, so much so that they didn't even say its name, and thus avoided the responsibility of cleaning them properly. By forcing them to acknowledge the toilet at home and thereby forcing them to keep it clean, Harpic unlocked growth in rural India, especially in states which had high toilet penetration.

Brand: Harpic
Client: Reckitt Benckiser India
Agency: McCann New Delhi
Language: English

It's a Tide Ad

On the night when the sexiest brands in the hottest categories pull out all the stops, a laundry detergent brand won the Super Bowl. Tide accomplished this by shifting from the traditional category focus on the problem of stains to celebrate and take ownership of clean. By elevating the visibility of the unsung benefit and leveraging the night’s uniquely heightened focus on ads, Tide turned every ad on advertising’s biggest stage into a Tide ad.

Brand: Tide
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi New York
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8871-447_hero_1 Scotts Scott for Scotts
2023_ap_2023_sp-hs001_hero_1 Ariel See Equal #ShareTheLoad
2023_mn_2023_e-3875-661_hero_1 GIG - Emlaq Gigantic Stain

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