
Household Supplies & Services

Cleaning products, waxes, detergents, floor-care products, fabric softeners, paper products, domestic services, mowers, fertilizers, lawn care services.



IKEA Dollar Catalogue

In covid-restricted times, with people looking to upgrade their home environments rather than radically transform them, they weren’t thinking of IKEA as the go-to place for accessibly-priced accessories, since people usually think of IKEA only when they want to buy big items. To solve this, we reinvented the catalogue! We selected 200 IKEA goods with very low prices and then launched the “IKEA Dollar Catalogue,” transforming the catalogue from a tool for ‘top-down’ lifestyle inspiration to an unashamedly ‘bottom-up’ demonstration of accessible and broad-based value.

Brand: IKEA
Client: IKEA Taiwan
Agency: Ogilvy Taipei
Language: English

Skip the Rinse

Household supplies are often very rational, with communications based on performance claims and efficacy. Brands are beginning to recognize the importance of cause marketing, but they haven’t always made a meaningful connection between product and purpose. With #SkiptheRinse, Finish authentically tied its product to a meaningful mission - effectively communicating a powerful formula that led to behavior change while making a meaningful difference toward saving water. Not only did this drive a significant sales increase, Finish was finally able to gain market share and drive brand loyalty like never before.

Brand: Finish
Client: Reckitt
Agency: Havas New York
Language: English

Cold Callers

While people are becoming increasingly eco-conscious, they didn’t know they could bring those values to the laundry room. By bringing together the right cast of people and messages, Tide educated everyone on the benefits of turning in cold and actually drove behavior change. With almost 800MM more loads done in cold and a +39% increase in product sales, Tide is helping everyone make an impact without compromising clean.

Brand: Tide
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi New York
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8871-447_hero_1 Scotts Scott for Scotts
2023_ap_2023_sp-hs001_hero_1 Ariel See Equal #ShareTheLoad
2023_mn_2023_e-3875-661_hero_1 GIG - Emlaq Gigantic Stain

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