

Financial products and services including: communications promoting overall image and capabilities of a financial institution.




TIAA believes in everyone's right to a dignified and secure retirement—a topic young Americans would rather not think about. We had to get them to listen, so we focused on what they do think about: equality. Specifically the staggering statistic that women retire with 30% less than men. As an underdog who's always fought for the underdogs, we launched #RetireInequality, giving TIAA a platform to share their mission and fight for what’s right.

Brand: TIAA
Client: TIAA
Agency: The Martin Agency
Language: English

Chat Account

Understanding that WhatsApp is an essential part of our daily lives, we broke the banking system by creating ChatAccount: the first service that operates 100% through that messaging app, without the need to install a new one, take up space on phones, or need Wi-Fi or mobile data. With the opening of over 300.000 accounts, "A chat away of everything" became the most successful customer acquisition campaign and allowed us to strengthen our positioning as an innovative, digital, and youthful bank.

Brand: Banco Itaú
Client: Banco Itaú Argentina
Agency: Grey Argentina
Language: English

Argenta - I don't save, I invest

The challenge: How can a classic savings bank in need of fresh revenue convert an avid saver into a budding investor? The strategy: As a savings expert we install investing as the new standard and a smart choice. The execution: Smart savers don’t save. The results: €1.5 billion in investment resources (+66%, the overall market rose by 19%), +50.1% new investment schemes and savings bank Argenta is now also considered an investment bank (consideration: +27%).

Brand: Argenta
Client: Argenta
Agency: LDV United
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8878-452_hero_1 E*TRADE from Morgan Stanley E*TRADE "Wedding"
2024_us_2024_e-9371-121_hero_1 Kinecta Federal Credit Union We’re Banking On You, Watts
2024_us_2024_e-9425-644_hero_1 Ally Changing the Game for Women’s Sports

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