
Entertainment & Sports

Includes all forms of entertainment.  E.G. apps, movies, programming (TV, online, radio), books, DVDs, videogames, board games, etc.  Sporting events such as the Super Bowl, sports teams, etc.



No Limits

Launch a completely new system, Nintendo 64, into a category with two strong, well established players - Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. The campaign was designed to establish Nintendo 64 as the only system to provide what we believe to be the quintessential videogaming benefit to kids - freedom with no limits. Despite the fiercely competitive environment, Nintendo 64 set aggressive goals for the campaign - setting out to capture a full 33% of the category and sell 1 million Super Mario 64 games and 3 million games overall.

Brand: Nintendo 64
Client: Nintendo of America
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English


"Stories" is a DIRECTV brand campaign designed to increase brand awareness and purchase interest in an increasingly aggressive marketplace. By focusing on DIRECTV's benefits vs. cable and other mini-dish systems, our goal was to maintain a majority market share with the highest priced product and the lowest budget in the category.

Client: DIRECTV, Inc.
Agency: Campbell-Ewald West
Language: English


The "Thoughts" campaign has contributed to Major League Baseball's efforts to regain interest with casual fans. Based on a strong positioning and relevant advertising. Major League Baseball is gaining momentum to recapture the position it once held as the desired sport with the target audience. Results indicate that Major League Baseball attendance outpaced the primary competition of professional sports leagues. The advertising contributed to this by providing an "insider" perspective into baseball, and leveraging the desire casual fans display to create a stronger connection with the players. As evidence to the effectiveness of the campaign, Major League Baseball has realized the second highest attendance level in history with 63,196,222 fans (+5.2% increase vs. 1996) as well as significant gains in key consumer advertising evaluative measures.

Brand: Major League Baseball
Client: Major League Baseball
Agency: Lowe and Partners
Language: English

2023_mn_2023_e-3980-929_hero_1 LEGO Building Bridges
2023_mn_2023_e-4011-716_hero_1 Cote & Sport The bet only a Moroccan brand can take
2023_uk_2023_e-891-938_hero_1 The Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) The RLWC2021: A record breaking World Cup with real impact

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