
Entertainment & Sports

Includes all forms of entertainment.  E.G. apps, movies, programming (TV, online, radio), books, DVDs, videogames, board games, etc.  Sporting events such as the Super Bowl, sports teams, etc.



Small Victories

The "Small Victories" campaign set out to increase awareness and preference for the Lottery's newest updated Scratch product. A consumer insight about the pleasant diversion Scratch provides led to the positioning of "Scratch can make your day." To get this message to the target audience, a combination of TV and media near point-of-sale helped ensure it was heard and acted upon . This comprehensive communication program tripled advertising awareness, and helped dramatically increase it sales and per-capita spending.

Brand: Scratch
Client: Washington State Lottery
Agency: McCann-Erickson Seattle
Language: English

"Absolutely Fabulous" Season Premiere

Buzz on the street made us think that we could use the season premiere of "Ab Fab" to attract a larger audience to Comedy Central (or that we should see an ear doctor.) And sweetie, darling, the result were absolutely fabulous. The show premiered with a 2.5 rating, 25% over our goal, and networking ratings are up 42%. We skipped the ear doctor appointment.

Brand: Comedy Central
Client: Comedy Central
Agency: Korey, Kay & Partners
Language: English

Trouble With Money

To help reverse declining sales, the Lotto advertising campaign set out to help bring more exposure to the Lotto product. With a humorous position about the problems with being a millionaire, and a comprehensive media plan that provided reach and impact at a number of levels, the "Trouble With Money" campaign achieved record advertising awareness and played a part in help the Lottery achieve significant sales results: 34% over the year prior, 24% over the year's goal.

Brand: Lotto
Client: Washington State Lottery
Agency: McCann-Erickson Seattle
Language: English

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2023_uk_2023_e-891-938_hero_1 The Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) The RLWC2021: A record breaking World Cup with real impact

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