
New Product or Service Introduction or Line Extension

Any communications effort used to introduce a new product or service that is not a line extension.



Chum Churum Soonhari Launching

신제품 [처음처럼 순하리 유자]의 성공적인 런칭 캠페인을 통해, 출시 3달 (73일)만에 누적 매출 약 100억, 최단기간 5천만병 판매를 달성했다.
이를 통해, 브랜드 인지도 확보 및 시장 점유율 확대는 물론, 전에 없던 새로운 주류 카테고리를 창출함으로써 무수히 많은 Me-Too 제품을 만들어 내는 등 시장 리더 이미지를 공고히 했다.

Brand: Chum Churum Soonhari
Client: Lotte Chilsung Beverage
Agency: Daehong Communications
Language: Korean

La historia de un recién llegado y confundido Maní,enfrentado a un líder de más de 25 años en el mercado colombiano

Brand: Maní
Client: Compañía Nacional de Chocolates
Agency: Rep Grey Worldwide S.A.
Language: Spanish

Save the Bros

With Organic Fuel, Organic Valley was looking to break into the booming protein drink category. But how could a bunch of organic dairy farmers establish credibility in an industry dominated by tribal-tattooed beefcakes chugging products chock-full of synthetic ingredients? Well, by launching a campaign to Save the Bros, whose relentless pounding of conventional protein shakes was putting their very existence at risk. 7 million views and 100+ million media impressions later, Organic Fuel was #1 in its category and had rewritten the rules of organic product advertising.

Brand: Organic Fuel
Client: Organic Valley
Agency: Humanaut
Language: English

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2023_mn_2023_e-4064-971_hero_1 Tank Tank.. Clean water made easy
2023_uk_2023_e-882-560_hero_1 Stella Artois Unfiltered Stella Artois goes au Naturel to launch new Stella Artois Unfiltered

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