
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 



Do Good. Mentor A Child

The "Do Good. Mentor A Child" campaign has enabled Save The Children to begin shedding its lackluster U.S. image of being "another charity for impoverished children" to that of a "leading and dynamic child growth organization". Rather than focus on problematic kids, the campaign celebrates the joys and rewards of mentoring and the enhanced self-esteem mentors can experience through mentoring. Call volume, the key objective for the campaign, is running 2.5 times ahead of projection, shattering any reasonable expectations.

Brand: Save The Children
Client: Save The Children United States
Agency: McCann-Erickson New York
Language: English

Ventura for Governor

Jesse Ventura's election as governor of Minnesota truly "shocked the world," as he became the first Reform Party candidate in America to be elected to high office. Overcoming two better-known and better-financed major party opponents, Ventura won by appealing to young voters and voters who had "given up" on politics. Despite being outspent by a combined $12.5 million to $650,000 Ventura's creative advertising and innovative paid and free media strategies energized the electorate and motivated over 330,000 new voters to take part in the election, as Minnesota's voter turnout led the nation. Ventura's marketing program is credited as the first effective use of the Internet in a political campaign, and the campaign's unique advertising even led to market demand for Jessa Ventura Action Figures and other merchandise featuring the governor, which has generated nearly $100,000 for Minnesota charities through the nonprofit organization Venture for Minnesota, Inc.

Brand: Ventura for Governor
Client: Ventura Volunteer Committee
Agency: North Woods Advertising
Language: English

Go Where Others Don't

The campaign successfully established a distinct "brand" identity for PAL behind a powerful message of "Go Where Others Don't". In doing so, it helped PAL exceed its objectives of driving awareness, donations, volunteerism, and participation in PAL programs. The advertising message was breakthrough and particularly motivating among our four key target groups: donators, volunteers, parents, and kids. The campaign was rooted in the truths that PAL goes further into troubled neighborhoods to help; that PAL volunteers go further to devote time in helping disadvantaged kids realize a brighter future; that money donated to PAL goes further to assist the most needy kids; and consequently, that PAL kids go further in life...to go places where others don't.

Brand: Police Athletic League(PAL) of New York City
Client: Police Athletic League
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market
2021_us_2021_e-5823-830_hero_1 Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission Catalyst of Choice

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