
Travel & Tourism

Cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, recreational, travel tours, travel websites and booking services, etc.



I've Changed

In this geotargeted marketing campaign, Tourisme Montréal won over Québec City by turning the Montreal/Quebec City rivalry into a love story. Literally. The "I've changed" campaign led to positive press coverage, an increase in hotel bookings and passionate reactions.

Brand: Tourisme Montréal
Client: Tourisme Montréal
Agency: LG2
Language: English

The Arrivals

The Arrivals was a total theatre of campaign orchestration. Marketing-, media-, comms. and PR strategy worked in total unison in order for the target group to experience one whole brand story. It set out to reinforce SAS’ position as a premium airline and exceeded the primary business objective: willingness-to-pay. The KPI underpinning any success in a market as saturated and competitive as commercial aviation. Results were 12% above goal in price premium, 7% above goal in positive image effects and 17% above goal in campaign liking.

Brand: SAS
Client: SAS
Agency: &Co. / NoA
Language: English

Sales King

All leading motor oil brands try to influence retailers to buy more of their products by motivation programs and bonuses. How could G-Energy brand stand out from dominating competitors? We organized a unique nomination «Tsar of sales» - Oscar analogue for best salesmen. More than 5000 participants across the country took part in the competition. We gathered 600 winners in 5 star hotel in Sochi, where at gala evening best of the best were granted prizes and recognition among colleagues.

Brand: Gazprom NeftLubricants
Client: GazpromneftLubricants LTD
Agency: EMG
Language: English, Russian

2023_ap_2023_sp-tt005_hero_1 Tourism Australia The Off Season
2023_la_2023_e-3671-047_hero_1 Gol Linhas Aéreas ¡Gracias por la propaganda!
2023_mn_2023_e-4276-854_hero_1 Louvre Abu Dhabi Personalised Impressionism

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