
Snacks & Desserts

Ice cream, candy, chips, cookies, bakery items, nut, fruit & vegetable snacks, popcorn, etc.



Sweetness Stories

Truvia aimed to move from the #3 sugar substitute brand (measured by share) to #2 by stealing share from a key competitor. They needed to gain consumer trust and awareness of its benefits to expand beyond early adopters, and block competitors. The creative leveraged humorous songs with an honest but fun vibe. During the campaign, Truvia increased its share and became #2. Its growth outpaced total category growth fivefold. It was directly mirrored by a 5 point loss in the key competitor's share, suggesting Truvia successfully stole from them.

Brand: Truvia(r) Natural Sweetener
Client: Truvia
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Language: English

"You're Not You When You're Hungry"

After years of narrowly-focused communications and significant competitive pressure, SNICKERS(R) found itself in trouble. To reinvigorate the brand we went back to its roots as a hunger solution. The "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign tapped into the simple truth that when you're hungry, you're not yourself and SNICKERS can help sort you out. The idea touched all mediums and has achieved goals of driving volume sales, household penetration and reestablishing SNICKERS(R) within pop culture as a guys' brand that EVERYONE feels they can be a part of.

Client: Mars Chocolate North America
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English


How do you turn nothing into something? That's what Stride did by re-imagining innovation within the gum category. Faced with an onslaught of exciting competitor news, all Stride held in its arsenal was the launch of another flavored gum - with an ambition to reignite the plateaued Stride brand. The idea was - Don't tell them what the flavor is. By shattering category norms and conventional wisdom of complete transparency, Stride's Mega Mystery flavor invigorated Stride's share and triggered a buzz value that Stride had never seen.

Brand: Stride Mega Mystery
Client: Stride
Agency: JWT
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8967-698_hero_1 Klondike Rest in Peace, Choco Taco
2024_us_2024_e-9212-715_hero_1 Pop-Tarts Pop-Tarts Frosted Banana Bread: Launching a Vibe, Not Just a Flavor
2024_us_2024_e-9213-486_hero_1 Skittles Skittles - "Don't Throw the Rainbow"

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