

Open to all retail companies (online and/or brick & mortar) with general or specific merchandise. 



KFC - Scroll Thru

KFC wanted to increase its online delivery business but instead of just creating a traditional awareness campaign, the Scroll-Thru campaign hacked Facebook's ad formats to turn them into an interactive food ordering experience. We re-created the physical and human elements of the drive-thru experience in the place our Arab Youth audience like to hang out the most: the social newsfeed, so they could give into their fried chicken cravings without ever leaving it.  The campaign delivered over 86,000 meals in two months, and generated more than 230% in incremental revenue, 

Brand: KFC Scroll-Thru
Client: YUM MENA
Agency: Memac Ogilvy
Language: English

Change of communication approach while promoting devices

The aims were to change MTS’ communication approach in the “device” segment and reach sales growth. We managed to reach the following results: - Growth of smartphone sales in 2018 was by 36% (with 20% planned and 18% market growth)- Growth of «likability» by 6% above the market- Growth of «motivation» by 4% above the market- Growth of brand’s likability by 10% above the market

Brand: MTS
Client: MTS PJSC
Agency: BBDO Moscow
Language: English, Russian

Start it up Slovenia

Start-it up Slovenia forges an innovative multi-level partnership between Spar Slovenia, POP TV and fresh local entrepreneurs. By tackling real problems (youth unemployment, lack of support and chances) we got massive support for the project from the media and general audience. Everyone in Slovenia was invited to support their favorites with a purchase to earn them the title Hit product of the year. By activating the whole country, we co-created the belief that it is possible – even in Slovenia! Before third season 18 of 20 entrepreneurs stayed on shelves, being among best selling products in their category.

Brand: Start it up Slovenia
Client: Spar Slovenija
Agency: Formitas creative
Language: Slovenian

2023_eu_2023_e-1094-101_hero_1 McDonald's McDonald's "Together let's go big"
2023_eu_2023_e-814-354_hero_1 Lacoste Unexpected Encounters
2023_la_2023_e-3239-503_hero_1 EASY Un Rincón en el Mundo para cada uno

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