
New Product or Service Introduction or Line Extension

Any communications effort used to introduce a new product or service that is not a line extension.



Gerber- A convenient way to teach tastes

Offering a product that is no different to competitive brands and not previously being present in this segment, Gerber became the segment leader within four months. This was achieved with the implementation of the creative platorm „Elementary book of tastes” that educates on learning tastes and emphasising convenience of the pouch format. Thanks to this, we differentiated our brand from the competition who mainly focussed on quality. We convinced consumers that our brand not only offers help in feeding but most of all supports childrens’ development. All this in a convenient pouch that is ideally suited for mums with an active lifestyle.

Brand: Gerber
Client: Nestlé Poland
Agency: Red8 Advertising
Language: Polish

Heladera punto Quilmes

Quilmes, la cerveza más popular de la Argentina experimentaba caídas en su imagen de marca. Para revertir esta tendencia, la marca se juntó con Siam y desarrolló la “Heladera Punto Quilmes”, una heladera diseñada con un “tercer espacio” de frío controlado que evitaba la explosión de los envases en el freezer, cuando nos olvidamos de sacarlos a tiempo. Nuestros dos objetivos, que la gente se entere del lanzamiento y que el producto se venda en un 25% más que la edición limitada anterior, fueron superados ampliamente. Mediante las redes sociales logramos que los contenidos de la campaña alcanzaran 10.7 millones de views y la totalidad de las heladeras producidas (3000 U.) se vendieron en un tiempo récord de 60 días.

Brand: Quilmes
Client: Cervecería y Maltería Quilmes
Agency: Madre Buenos Aires
Language: Spanish

Pré-Venda Renault Kwid

After three consecutive years of financial crisis, it was difficult to sell the cars already sitting in the courtyards and dealerships. In this environment, not every automaker could bet on bringing out a new model, but that did not discourage Renault. In 2017, the carmaker would bring its biggest launch of recent times, the Renault Kwid.
The expectation was high: to become the main automaker high volume car, but apart from the crisis, Kwid had to face the Brazilian distrust of the subcompacts, which generated expectations in their releases, but in practice they were always "naked" or too expensive.
How to position Kwid for a consumer who so discredited it in relation to the segment?
Renault bet on retaking the hope of the Brazilian in having modern, beautiful, equipped, fashionable cars, the part of the market typically help by SUVs. The SUV segment, a phenomenon in the country and desired by many, is considered inaccessible to those who buy entry cars.
With higher suspension, larger inlet and outlet angles, 4 standard airbags and good interior space, the Kwid may be a subcompact but it includes a number of features that rival SUVs.
We had to change the consumer’s perspective: Kwid was no longer a subcompact model, it was the gateway to the aspirational universe of SUVs. Kwid, the compact SUV.
It was more than a launch, it was a new paradigm, so the campaign started well before the arrival of the car - in a phased and mostly digital fashion, the Kwid filled the whole funnel of consumer consideration: questioned the segment, joked with its own name, presented its differentials , and finally gave access - a pre-sale like Brazil has never seen: Kwid was sold exclusively through the internet, with special conditions: R $ 29,900.00, with entry of R $ 1 thousand, installable up to three times.
With that, the car became a success before even arriving at the stores, occupying its position of Renault's flagship soon after leaving. Kwid not only became known, but also helped to change the expectations of the Brazilian in relation to entry-level cars.

Depois de três anos seguidos de crise, estava difícil vender os carros parados nos pátios e nas concessionárias. Nesse cenário, nem toda montadora apostaria em trazer um modelo novo. Mas isso não desanimou a Renault. Em 2017, a montadora traria seu maior lançamento dos últimos tempos, o Renault Kwid. 
A expectativa era alta: se tornar o principal carro de volume de montadora. Mas, além da crise, Kwid precisava enfrentar a desconfiança do brasileiro com relação aos subcompactos, que geraram expectativas em seus lançamentos, mas, na prática, foram sempre “pelados” ou caros demais. 
Como posicionar o Kwid para um consumidor tão desacreditado em relação ao segmento?
A Renault apostou em retomar a esperança do brasileiro em ter um carro moderno, bonito, equipado, materializada pelos carros da moda, os SUVs. O segmento, fenômeno no país e desejado por muitos, é considerado inacessível àqueles que compram carros de entrada.
Com suspensão mais alta, ângulos de entrada e saída maiores, 4 airbags de série e bom espaço interno, o Kwid até pode ser um subcompacto, mas apresenta uma série de características que remetem aos SUVs.
Era preciso mudar a perspectiva: Kwid não é mais um modelo de subcompacto, é a porta de entrada para o universo aspiracio-nal dos SUVS. Kwid, o SUV dos Compactos. 
Era mais que um lançamento, era uma nova proposta. Por isso, a campanha começou bem antes da chegada do carro às con-cessionárias - de maneira faseada e majoritariamente digital, o Kwid preencheu todo o funil de consideração do consumidor: questionou o segmento, brincou com o próprio nome, apresen-tou seus diferenciais, e, por último, deu acesso - uma pré-venda como o Brasil nunca viu: Kwid foi vendido exclusivamente pela internet, com condições especiais: R$29.900,00, com entrada de R$1 mil, parceláveis em até três vezes.
Com isso, o carro se tornou um sucesso antes mesmo de che-gar às lojas, ocupando sua posição de carro-chefe da Renault logo de saída. Kwid não só se fez conhecido, como ajudou a mu-dar a expectativa do brasileiro com relação a carros de entrada.

Brand: Renault KWID
Agency: Neogama
Language: Portuguese

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