



Cerveza Cristal

Para la segunda mitad del 2017, Cristal debía seguir liderando el crecimiento de la categoría; sin embargo, se encontraba ante un gran reto: un incremento de precio de +12.5%.

Aunque la selección estaba 7ma en la clasificatoria, mostraba un renovado nivel de unión.

Cristal reactivó su plataforma fútbol y acompañó el proceso del equipo que recogía los valores del barrio y evidenciaba el propósito de la marca: Demostrar que unidos se pueden lograr grandes cosas.
Esto reforzaría la conexión con el target, asegurando el crecimiento pese al alza de precio.

Brand: Tenemos Barrio, Tenemos Mundial
Client: AB Inbev
Agency: Young & Rubicam
Language: Spanish

How questioning the unquestionable breathed new life into Canadian Club

By treating ‘Over Beer?’ as a big culturally-provocative idea, not just a bumper sticker, Canadian Club became the catalyst for all Australians to question the unquestionable: is it time to ditch our cultural commitment to beer? By asking ‘The Big Question’, Canadian Club took it to a whole new level, leaving the category in its dust – achieving an incremental +$35M value sales uplift year-on-year, growing drinkers at 3-times the category, delivering an ROI of $3.12 in incremental profit for every marketing dollar spent. Best of all; Canadian Club overtook Bundaberg Rum in value sales for the first time in history.

Brand: Canadian Club
Client: Beam Suntory
Agency: The Monkeys
Language: English

Moms and dads rule

Prijateljstva koja traju cijeli život su najčešće ona prijateljstva koja uzimamo zdravo za gotovo i nerijetko zanemarujemo. Ovom kampanjom pozivamo Žujine fanove da popiju jednu s onima koji su bezuvjetno i nepokolebljivo uz njih cijeloga života. Ključni izazov postavljen pred kampanju je bio održati ili blago povećati tržišni udio u Retail segmentu prije i tijekom izuzetno kompetitivnog blagdanskog dijela godine. Kampanja je premašila sve zadane ciljeve.

Brand: Ozujsko pivo
Client: Zagrebacka pivovara
Agency: BBDO Zagreb
Language: Croatian

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