
Small Budgets

Local Efforts: $1 million or less
    Regional Efforts: $2 million or less
    ​National Efforts: $5 million or less



I want to whistle - recruitment campaign with a good eye on the goal

We wanted to attract people to become referees. A job which is not easy. We did it by showing them how uneasy it was. We managed to get 1,651 completed applications in 10 months. This result meant that the plan was 99.05% fulfilled. As of 30.6.2021, a total of 306 applicants had successfully passed the category C licensing exams. We exceeded the year-long plan of 350 new licensed referees (or 291 referees in 10 months of the campaign) by almost 5% despite all the complications (COVID/bad reputation).

Brand: The Football Association of the Czech Republic
Client: The Football Association
Agency: McCann Prague
Language: English


100% COVID free putovanje u doba lockdowna? Moguće je!  Što će ujesen 2020-e nedostajati lokalnom stanovništvu malog turističkoj mjestašca? Obzirom da je oduvijek jesen, nakon poslovno naporne sezone rezervirana za godišnje odmore i putovanja, a u godini COVID-a to je onemogućeno, najviše će im nedostajati upravo to: putovanja. Ali, gradska knjižnica ima rješenje: kao kulturna institucija koja je uvijek tu za svoje građane, odlučuje se u potpunosti transformirati u putničku agenciju, ponuditi alternativu i odvesti svoje sugrađane na putovanje: putem knjiga, uz čitav niz popratnih aktivacija.

Brand: Gradska Knjižnica Poreč
Client: Gradska Knjižnica Poreč
Agency: Studio Sonda
Language: Croatian

How the Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) sold tickets a year out from the tournament by offering hope for people to be together again

This paper is the ultimate sporting underdog story.
Representing an underfunded sport, with an underfunded media and production budget of £387k (during times of Covid), it will tell the story of how the Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) overcame a lack of interest in the sport to achieve £5.05m in ticket sales - a year out from the tournament beginning - to a largely new audience by focussing on the power and hope of togetherness.
Ultimately, it will show how the desire to be together again outweighed cynicism to the sport to deliver a campaign ROMI of 1,191%.

Brand: Rugby League World Cup 2021
Client: Rugby League World Cup 2021
Agency: McCann Manchester
Language: English

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