
Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)



Don't torture yourself

Na tržištu koje je prezasićeno raznim lijekovima protiv bolova nije lako biti primjećen. Potrebna je kampanja koja odskače od uobičajene oglašivačke šprance prikazivanja mjesta boli i opisivanja tog osjećaja - potrošači znaju što je problem - oni trebaju rješenje. Rješenje je bilo fokusiranje komunikacije u kampanji na realan insight iz života potrošača: nepotrebno je mučiti samog sebe i trpiti bolove - rješenje je nadohvat ruke. U prvih pola godine utrostručili smo prodaju u odnosu na 6 mjeseci prije kampanje i skočili na 2 mjesto vrlo konkurentnog tržišta OTC ibuprofena.

Brand: Bruffen Effect
Client: Mylan Hrvatska
Agency: Señor
Language: Croatian

Magnum Pints

This paper tells the story of how Magnum invited a new, younger audience to indulge in our latest pleasure – new Magnum Pints - with its rich chocolate shards, swirled in velvety vanilla ice cream, all wrapped in a chocolate shell, made to be broken, delivering the signature cracking experience of Magnum ice cream. We created a seductive and persuasive campaign to launch Magnum Pints across Europe in 2017. The aim was to establish Magnum as a long term global player in the fast growing and competitive premium tubs segment.

Brand: Magnum
Client: Unilever
Agency: Lola MullenLowe
Language: English

The sheepman

Brand: Dodoni
Client: Dodoni
Agency: McCann Worldgroup
Language: Greek

2022_eu_2022_e-687-042_hero_1 NIVEA Cellular Luminous630 The skincare breakthrough
2022_eu_2022_e-714-303_hero_1 Always Rewrite the Rules
2022_eu_2022_e-730-743_hero_1 Braun IPL Hair removal on your terms

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