
Carpe Diem - Products

This award will go to those marketing ideas that had the ability to burn intensely for a finite period of time, putting a brand or product in a bright spotlight and creating immediate and measurable impact.



The Power of SHE

Companies with women in leadership perform better, but women are underrepresented. On International Women’s Day 2017, State Street Global Advisors placed Fearless Girl in New York’s financial district to ignite a conversation about the power of women in leadership. She generated over a billion impressions on Twitter in the first 12 hours. In three days she drove average daily trading volume of the SHE fund up 384%. 

Brand: State Street Global Advisors
Client: State Street Global Advisors
Agency: McCann New York
Language: English

Size doesn't matter

We arent shy about the size of our product, and we are ready for our consumers reaction to it. We streamed all the negative comments about our tacos from social networks straight to the biggest billboard available in Moscow. These comments were accompanied by a statement:The size doesnt matter... If you follow our guide how to eat tacos correctly.

Brand: KFC
Client: YUM! Restaurants International Russia and CIS
Agency: RODNYA Creative PR Studio
Language: English, Russian

Carpe Eclipse

Because the 2017 Solar Eclipse coincided with the brand’s 100th Anniversary, we decided the eclipse would be MoonPie’s Super Bowl and created a campaign declaring MoonPie “The Official Sponsor of the Solar Eclipse”.  Our top Tweet received 199,585 Retweets and 530,0175 Likes resulting in over 1,000,000,000 earned media impressions. According to AdAge and Adweek, it was 2017’s most exciting snacks and desserts social media campaign — and broke every sales record.

Brand: MoonPie
Client: Chattanooga Bakery
Agency: Tombras
Language: English

2022_ap_2022_ss-cp007_hero_1 Thums Up Inverting Conventions To Win
2020_us_2020_e-5265-900_hero_1 Microsoft Changing the Game
2020_us_2020_e-4967-821_hero_1 French's French's Mustard Ice Cream

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