
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



What Are We Allowing

STC’s Tuby is the first Saudi specific child-safety app blocking inappropriate content. But how can we show parents the evolving nature of online threats and increase app usage? We show them what they don’t see. First, through a shocking film exposing parents to kids performing dangerous viral challenges. Then, we fueled the much-needed conversation with a stunt where a famous actor posed as a predator, and through innovative radio ads strictly targeting parents. The eye-opening campaign helped rank the app amongst the top downloads in the country.

Brand: Saudi Telecom Company
Client: Saudi Telecom Company
Agency: J.Walter Thompson
Language: English

Coca-Cola BRRR

In a market dominated by our competitor and targeting an audience notoriously hard to reach, we needed to stand out and be disruptive. That’s why we didn’t just launch a campaign, we created a social movement and encouraged teens to make it their own.
An approach that had a domino effect and drove Coca-Cola’s sales volume by more than 90% while sparking social conversations all over Iraq in only 3 months. Ultimately making Coca-Cola the summer drink that physically refreshed and mentally uplifted Iraqis hot summer.

Brand: Coca-Cola
Client: Coca-Cola Middle East
Agency: Memac Ogilvy Dubai
Language: English

Happy losing!

Russian families rarely play Board games, because for most, it's still boring chess or dominoes. In this case, Hasbro should become an ambassador of the category and take responsibility for the development of Board games culture in Russia! We decided to do this based on a strong parental insight: One of the most emotional moments in every parent’s life is the first time they are defeated by their child, understanding how much their child has grown up. Thus, we will demonstrate our modern games, and also give families a strong reason to spend leisure time playing board games.

Brand: Hasbro Gaming
Client: Hasbro
Agency: OMD Media Direction
Language: English, Russian

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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