
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



La peor novela

Unicef nos pidió una nueva campaña en contra del matrimonio infantil. En vez que una campaña, hicimos una telenovela. Para generar escándalo y provocar la discusión y el cambio desde adentro. Fue una apuesta, pero ganamos. Conectamos, impactamos, provocamos una reacción fuerte y a todos los niveles. Después de la novela, el rechazo al matrimonio infantil aumentó un 40%. Logramos finalmente el cambio esperado.  Un cambio cultural y social, que ha llegado hasta la política, que se ha activado para la ley que prohiba definitivamente el matrimonio infantil en RD.

Client: Unicef
Agency: Pagés BBDO
Language: Spanish

Taco Juniors Never “lower their heads”

The KFC fried chicken taco was launched in 2017 to test the market, while the sales and volume did not reach the expectation. In May of 2019, the product came back and landed nationwide.
Youth Marketing Opportunity: The 100th Anniversary of the Youth Day.
Youth Spiritual Insight: Young people of the age, eat Taco, do not bow.
Young leader endorsement: Karry Wang, the national ambassador of the Youth Day.
Youth Communication Strategy: Integrate the media touch points that young people are keen on to let taco spirit penetrate youth life.
We launched the integrated youth marketing successfully and achieved the "three-in-one" of "sales, volume, and energy."
As a result, the sales and volume were out performance of the market, which inspired the massive taco youth to show their attitude of “never to bow”. Especially, “Taco Youth” is certified as the youth of the times by the party media – GMW.CN.

Brand: KFC
Client: KFC
Agency: Ogilvy Shanghai
Language: Mandarin

Sugar-Crisp Spout

In order to get Gen Z to connect with an off the radar brand in a declining category, we designed the Sugar-Crisp Spout - a totally new way to let youth, and more specifically gamers, eat Sugar-Crisp.  This resulted in a 15% increase in sales within the first month of the giveaway period. Key to our success was creating a handsfree device that would unlock a delicious stream of Sugar-Crisp straight from the box to their mouth. 

Brand: Sugar-Crisp
Client: Post Foods Canada
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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