
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



El San Valentín más Dominicano de la Historia

Compartimos en nuestras redes diferentes tipos de contenido con el que la gente interactuó. Realmente fuimos a una oficialía a intentar casar a un Salami y un tostón

Brand: Salami Súper Especial Induveca
Client: Induveca
Agency: MullenLowe Interamerica
Language: Spanish

CHANDO "Reshoot Your Classphoto" Campaign

Young consumers are one of the key targets of make-up category, as their early brand experiences have longer-term impact on future choices. Chando strived to create early engagement with new generation of consumers not only as the current source of business but as the future users.

Aiming at being the brand of their “first makeup experiences”, Chando utilized the “Graduation at 18-year old” – a life milestone for young people not only as entering adulthood, but also a new beginning of shaping her identity and expressing her individuality, beauty choices included. Chando created the “Re-shooting Graduation Photo” campaign – let the graduating students re-shoot the photo in the looks and styles of their own choices – a second chance to relive the ritual where newly discovered individuality replaced traditional homogeneity.

The campaign achieved wide resonance among young generation consumers. With a massive exposure, the campaign boosted significant sales growth.

Brand: Chando
Client: JALA Corporation
Agency: Shanghai Soho Square
Language: Mandarin

Priceless Journeys

Brand: Mastercard
Client: Mastercard
Agency: FP7 McCann Dubai
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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