
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



Project "Dostup"

Project “Access” is devoted to the most valuable thing for young people in the Internet - content. It was raising a question of decreasing value of content at the age of its infinity. Together with contemporary artists, musicians and designers we created content that was intentionally limited to make it desirable by its inaccessibility. It was possible to watch created content only through AR app in offline and having caught targeted placement in niche media online. We managed to finally become a leader at the “for youth” attribute by growing it’s rate to 48 points.

Brand: "MTS"
Client: MTS PJSC
Agency: Mosaic Media
Language: English, Russian

Seize the Awkward

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens. At-risk youth feel alone, but there is one group they trust for support: their friends. Our task: encourage teens to talk to friends who struggle with mental health issues. But talking about mental health with friends can be... awkward. Instead of shying away from it, we leaned into awkwardness and showed how awkward moments can be opportunities to help. Ultimately, we normalized mental health conversations, making ad-aware teens 30% more likely to speak to a friend and save a life.

Brand: Ad Council
Client: Ad Council
Agency: Droga5
Language: English

KFC X Gintama - Everything Will Be OK with Such Popularity!

To bring the fictional world of TOP Japanese animation in history Gintama to the real world, KFC creative team partnered with Gintama Production Committee, brainstormed for six months to launch an exclusive campaign customized to the audience: exclusive episodes, product and themed store. Such unique campaign attracted fans rushing to KFC stores for Gintama’s “Everything’s OK” set meal and Gintoki-san Okinawa sea salt ice cream and the addition of added value products. Over 10 million Ice Cream were sold out in just 3 weeks. Everything Will Be OK with Such Popularity!

Brand: KFC
Client: Yum! China
Agency: Isobar China Group
Language: English, Mandarin

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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