
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



How SNICKERS converted gamers fails into brand loyalty

For the youth of 90s SNICKERS was an iconic brand. After refusing street culture campaigns brand lost its emotional connection with young audience. To return the status of congenial brand SNICKERS turned to a gamers community. In partnership with Igromania brand has launched the contest What the Fail Awards. Video announcement gained 4,7 mln views and climbed to the top of YouTube. Campaign reach is estimated at more than 32 mln. Eventually our image rates increased rapidly. Owing to hype content we still are being asked to organize the award again

Client: Mars LLC
Agency: BBDO Moscow
Language: English, Russian


The beginning of the summer outflow of customers from the pub coincided with the Champions League Final in Kyiv. In anticipation of the match the greedy Kyiv hotels increased the rent prices up to $3000 a night. Without having a big budget for advertising, the pub didn't just try to survive in the summer period, but also tried to resist the greedy hotels. Beer Point decided to work all night long to host the foreign fans. We created an invent on Facebook - #FairBnB - Fair Beer and Breakfast. Everyone could drink beer in the pub all night long and celebrate the victory of the beloved team. In the morning free toothbrushes, breakfast and on board!

Brand: Beer Point
Client: Beer Point
Agency: Kinograf
Language: English

It's Me It's Not My Period

It's Me It's Not My Period In
order to grow the U by Kotex business in a flat-lining, habit-driven category, we needed to change what is essentially a routine purchase by giving our target a compelling reason to actively choose U by Kotex. We launched It's Me It's Not My Period to challenge broad reaching and deeply embedded societal prejudices about menstruation. Key to our success was shifting society's perspective of a woman's period from a source of embarrassment to a source of empowerment.

Brand: U by Kotex
Client: Kimberly-Clark
Agency: Ogilvy
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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