
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



How Fruto-Nyanya has strengthened its leadership positions in the conditions of the falling kids juices market

We did not want to create complicated stories or legends, so instead decided to base our campaign on the fact that Fruto-Nyanya is an expert in baby food – in juices particularly. Therefore, we concentrated on naturalness as it is one of the most important characteristics for a mother when choosing a juice for a baby. Mothers of babies simply do not know that juice can consist solely of fruits, with no additional supplements or unhealthy substances – hence, they avoid giving juices to their babies. We decided to base our creative campaign on the direct comparison of apples and Fruto-Nyanya juice, using the popular proverb “The apple does not fall far from the tree”, building a strong connection between natural, real apples and our juice for the consumer.

Brand: FrutoNyanya
Client: Progress (FrutoNyanya)
Agency: DDB Russia
Language: English, Russian

The X-Dance

X-LINE is a new sub-brand by Lee Jeans, sold exclusively online and tailor-made for China teens. The goal was to create awareness, and engage the young generation in a highly relevant and targeted way. We spotted a rising trend on emerging social media in China, of teens creating and sharing their own original dance moves. We focused our limited budget on China's No.1 social-video app. We created the X DANCE, using dancers wearing X-LINE, with Lee's e-commerce store one tap away. It went viral. Teens everywhere copied, tweaked, and created their own X DANCE moves, and shared them again throughout DOUYIN.

Brand: Lee China X-Line
Client: VF Corporation
Agency: McCann Worldgroup Hong Kong
Language: Mandarin

Mother's Love Express

We all know that mom's accompany is extremely important to the first year of a newborn, but nearly 80% of Taiwanese newborn’s mom will go back to work in two months after giving birth. Further, 55% will quit breastfeeding because of breastfeed-unfriendly work environment. At Wyeth illuma, we believe that breast milk is the best nutrition to newborn, and therefore we want to help working mom to delivery her precious love directly to her baby from their workplace. We want to support them by real actions.

Brand: Wyeth illuma
Client: Nestlé China
Agency: Ogilvy Taiwan
Language: Mandarin

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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