
Engaged Community

This category is about managing effective, engaged communities.  Entrants will be brands that are creating content, experiences, and platforms that get their communities to grow, act or amplify messaging in a way that directly relates to the brand's goal.



Maternidad imperfecta

Marías Gamesa acompaña a la maternidad mexicana desde hace más de 100 años. Desde ese liderazgo, le toca también acompañar su evolución y el rol que su target cumple en ella. En un país conservador como México es difícil romper conceptos arraigados, pero de no hacerlo la marca se enfrentaba a una desconexión con su target más joven. “Abro hilo…” de Marías Gamesa homenajea a las madres, modernizando los mensajes de la marca y ayudando desde la diversión y el humor, a romper con la idea de la “maternidad perfecta”.

Brand: Marías Gamesa
Client: PepsiCo Mexico Foods
Agency: Slap Global
Language: Spanish

GOMO Roaming (Kinda) Travel Influencers

GOMO had a tough fight when a rival rolled out a snazzy new roaming product. Rather than trying to 'out-product' our competitor, we decided to 'out-audience' them instead and turned the spotlight on Gen Z and Y's travellers', giving them a platform to live out their travel influencer dreams.The result? No new product needed - but we scored our highest revenue increase yet and minted a whole new generation of brand ambassadors for GOMO.¦In the sea of sameness within the MNVO category, GOMO dared to stand out, unveiling its 5G launch with a splash. Through a clever social-first strategy, they collaborated with local influencer, Benjamin Kheng, and challenged the norm with an innovative #WorkFromAnywhere activation. This bold move wasn't just to catch eyes - it was to win the hearts and minds of Gen Z and Y, showcasing GOMO as not just a better choice, but the cleverer one.

Brand: GOMO Roaming (Kinda) Travel Influencers
Client: GOMO by Singtel
Agency: Publicis Singapore
Language: English

We Hear You: Reshaping Grab's B2B Programs

“SmallBiz-washing” (yes, it’s a thing). Like “Greenwashing” deceives consumers that a firm’s products help green the planet, Smallbiz-washing campaigns are designed to bolster a firm’s reputation, without making any real difference to small-business owners. During COVID, brands spent millions on small business marketing but 40% of Thai small businesses were still at risk of closure. Since survival of these food vendors, bakeries, and shops were critical to Grab’s own prosperity, we went beyond usual surveys and listened to real SME heartaches to understand precisely what support they really needed.

Brand: Grab
Client: Grab
Agency: Choojai Ka Kalayanamitr

2023_ap_2023_ss-ec009_hero_1 McDonald's Unbranded Menu
2023_hk_2023_e-643-873_hero_1 HSBC Premier HSBC Premier Elevate Campaign
2023_la_2023_e-2916-766_hero_1 Sedal Disciplina con Sedal

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