
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 




Brand: Ambulante and W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Client: Ambulante and W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Agency: Archer Troy
Language: Spanish

"I have only 1% chance..."

„I have only 1% chance" is a campaign which not only resulted in a record amount of funds gathered, but also raised awareness throughout the local community. It sensitized the inhabitants of Warsaw's rich neighborhood on present social inequality in a way that did not arouse mercy, but possibly positive emotions. Basing on a real insight it hit the heart of the problem and Powiśle's inhabitants.

Brand: Powislanska Fundacja Spoleczna
Client: Powislanska Fundacja Spoleczna
Agency: Plej
Language: Polish

Braille Bricks

To combat the problem of literacy for visually impaired children in Brazil and bring the theme and cause to the fore for discussion, we created Braille Bricks. Starting with the adaptation of a traditional children's toy, we created a playful and dynamic tool that assists in blind children's Braille literacy and is also a powerful platform to draw attention to this process of social inclusion.
In addition to providing a rich, day-to-day learning process for over 300 children at the Dorina Nowill Foundation, we also draw the attention of the world to the cause, with emphasis on social networks, national and international media, and the interest of LEGO, the world's largest producer of building blocks, in developing the project on a large scale: it can transform people's lives, that is, change the world.
Para combater o problema de alfabetização de crianças com deficiência visual no Brasil e trazer o tema e a causa à tona para discussão, criamos o Braille Bricks. A partir da adaptação de um tradicional brinquedo infantil, criamos uma ferramenta lúdica e didática que auxilia na alfabetização em braille das crianças cegas e também é uma poderosa plataforma para chamar a atenção nesse processo de inclusão social.
Além de proporcionar um rico processo de aprendizado diaria-mente para mais de 300 crianças na Fundação Dorina Nowill, também chamamos a atenção do mundo para a causa, com destaque nas redes sociais, veículos de comunicação nacionais e internacionais, a iniciativa educacional da Casa Branca e o interesse da LEGO, maior produtora de blocos de montar do mundo, em desenvolver o projeto em larga escala.

Brand: Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos
Client: Fundação Dorina Nowill para Cegos
Agency: Lew'Lara\TBWA
Language: Portuguese

2023_bg_2023_e-2313_hero_1 Foundation Lachezar Tsotsorkov Together against colon cancer
2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market

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