
Positive Change - Social Good: Non-Profit

Recognizing non-profit organizations and associations whose communications efforts have effectively driven positive change for society and successfully contributed back to the organization's purpose.  Campaigns must show measurable impact and pro



Nastenka: The Voice Against Russian Propaganda

This campaign set out to address an age-old problem: male violence against women and girls. Our challenge was to hold men accountable and part of the solution. We used behavioural science to identify the most effective way to change men’s behaviours. Recognised that by stopping the bystander culture, using peer-to-peer pressure, we could tackle low level misogyny - a first step to prevent extreme violence. We challenged men to ‘Have a word with yourself, then your mates’. After the campaign, 85% of men said they would now call out misogyny.

Brand: Anti-Kremlin propaganda awareness
Client: Zastúpenie Európskej komisie na Slovensku
Language: English

Cry for the Law

Brand: Cry for the Law
Client: Teta&Teta
Agency: LOLA MullenLowe
Language: English

La Muralla del Jaguar: usando el café para proteger una especie amenazada

En la Serranía de San Lucas (Colombia), los ganaderos solían matar jaguares para proteger sus animales de granja. Para cambiar esto, se creó una barrera natural usando plantas de café que mantuviera a los felinos alejados. Así nació Café Conserva®, un café de exportación cuyas ventas ayudan a financiar y expandir la muralla. Desde entonces, ningún jaguar ha sido asesinado y la protección se ha extendido en toda la serranía. La convivencia entre comunidades y felinos es ahora posible.

Brand: Web Conserva
Client: Web Conserva
Language: Spanish

2024_us_2024_e-9626-688_hero_1 AdCouncil Fentanyl Awareness Substitute Dealers
2023_ap_2023_sc-sn005_hero_1 Down Syndrome International Meet Kami
2023_eu_2023_e-822-945_hero_1 Magna fundraising Children: Testimony of War

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