

Open to all retail companies (online and/or brick & mortar) with general or specific merchandise. 



Cigarettes Out. Health In.

It takes a bold company to take a potential $2 billion hit to the bottom line. Thats just what CVS Health did when they removed tobacco from their stores in order to better the health of their customers. This news helped reshape how CVS was perceived in America, but more than that, CVS wanted to maximize the impact of this decision. We created a movement that inspired people to quit smoking and breathe easier through a variety of content that millions of people engaged with including First Lady Michelle Obama.

Brand: CVS Health
Client: CVS Health
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English


Brand: IKEA
Client: IKEA Deutschland
Agency: thjnk AG
Language: German

"Weihnachten ist in Dir." _ Die OTTO Weihnachtskampagne 2015

Brand: OTTO
Client: Otto
Agency: Heimat Berlin
Language: German

2023_eu_2023_e-1094-101_hero_1 McDonald's McDonald's "Together let's go big"
2023_eu_2023_e-814-354_hero_1 Lacoste Unexpected Encounters
2023_la_2023_e-3239-503_hero_1 EASY Un Rincón en el Mundo para cada uno

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