

Quick Service, casual dining, mid-scale, white table cloth and other restaurants.



Delay Your Way

How could Burger King drive efficient sales during the holidays? By making the awful experience of holiday travel go a little bit more “your way.” “Delay Your Way” geotargeted airports and exchanged delayed holiday flights for a free burger—only through the BK App. Our savage $67K social media and CRM campaign turned letdowns into downloads, loyalty, and sales for BK, because the best time to deepen affinity with your customers is when they’ve been let down by someone else’s brand.

Brand: Burger King
Client: Restaurant Brands International
Agency: MullenLowe U.S.
Language: English

Michelin Impossible

Australians gave KFC credit for making ‘great tasting food’, but not good quality food. And when we tried to tell them our food was good quality, they didn’t believe us. So how did we get our food to receive the credit it genuinely deserved? By ditching traditional media and undertaking an impossible task - a mission to get KFC a Michelin Star, the greatest signifier of restaurant quality there is. The mission received media coverage worldwide, improved perceptions of KFC’s food quality, and achieved an ROI of 16.2 to 1.

Brand: KFC Australia
Client: KFC Australia
Agency: Ogilvy Australia
Language: English

Return of the Mac(ca's)

What happens when a global pandemic comes along and knocks your business out cold for a month?  Do you throw in the towel and wait for events to play out?  Or, do you jump back on your feet and come out swinging?  This is a story about how a global fast-food giant harnessed the spirit of Kiwi ingenuity and resourcefulness to come out of a crisis stronger than it had entered it.

Brand: McDonald's New Zealand
Client: McDonald's New Zealand
Agency: DDB Aotearoa
Language: English

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2023_ap_2023_sp-rs009_hero_1 McDonald's Mates make it Macca's
2023_ap_2023_sp-rs001_hero_1 KFC KFC's Left-Handed Menu

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