
Leisure & Lifestyle

Recreational, sporting, and camping goods/services and other items/services intended for leisure activity.



Taking Advantage Of A Low Tide

The challenge for Yamaha WaterCraft was to reverse its sliding market share in a flat, maturing market. The solution was an innovative campaign that appealed to personal watercraft riders' sense of adventure and exploring. The results included a 36% increase in market share for Yamaha while the competition stayed flat or lost share.

Brand: Yamaha WaterCraft
Client: Yamaha Motor Corporation
Agency: Vitrorobertson
Language: English

A New Frontier

Wilson needed a breakthrough campaign for its new tennis racket to win back the position of technology leader. So, we took Wilson's new technology - Hyper Carbon - to a new frontier. By using imagery from outer space, we found a better way to tell our superiority story and to set ourselves apart from the images of most tennis advertisers.

Brand: Wilson Hyper Carbon
Client: Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
Agency: DDB Chicago
Language: English

Best Friend

How could Wilson maintain the momentum of its record-selling Staff Titanium golf ball, especially in the face of numerous, deep pocketed copycats? By appealing to golfers ultimate fantasy and positioning the product as an obedient golf ball, one that actually does what it's told. And also by likening the product to everyone's favorite symbol of obedience-man's best friend. This combination helped Wilson not only maintain sales, but to increase them nearly 10% in a very hostile environment.

Brand: Wilson Staff Titanium
Client: Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
Agency: DDB Chicago
Language: English

2019_ca_2019_e-178-465_hero_1 Go RVing Bring Back Wildhood
Blog_image ouigo Ouigo let"s go !
Blog_image Olympique de Marseille Om à la folie

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