

Communications promoting specific products or services related to insurance and the capabilities of financial institutions offering these services.  



A Cautionary Tale of Bargain Regret

The AAMI Bargain Regret campaign helped to position AAMI for value in a market pushing people towards cheaper competitors. In the years preceding the campaign, new challenger brands had been closing the consideration gap on AAMI. At the other end of the funnel customer switching was increasing to these brands that deployed sharper pricing and aggressive tactics, challenging consumers to question, “Why am I paying so much?” Bargain Regret was AAMI’s response. A response that saw AAMI slow churn and increase prices, while growing high value customers and profit.

Brand: AAMI
Client: Suncorp
Agency: Ogilvy Sydney

How an Insurance Brand Got a City to Make Time for Me Time

AXA successfully differentiated itself in the insurance category with its new health care positioning of holistic wellness, with a campaign that gave Hong Kongers the permission, and tools, to enact self-care. By using a creative strategy turning every touchpoint from digital OOH to video to events into a mechanism for self-care, AXA successfully leveraged a brand campaign to drive lower funnel objectives. This led to an all-time-high call-to-action - up to 85%, as well as lead to AXA becoming the #1 in the market for overall consideration.

Brand: AXA Make Time for Me Time
Client: AXA Hong Kong
Agency: Publicis Groupe Hong Kong
Language: English

HSBC Life: Life Goes On

Despite critical illness increasing in people under 40, they perceive critical illness insurance as protection for a life that is already over. HSBC Life changed this perception by introducing “Passion Insurance”, designed to protect the life you love today. Under the idea “Life Goes On” we partnered with real critical illness fighters who put their passions on display through film, interviews, and a CI concept store. As a result, HSBC Life helped 64% of people under 40 believe critical illness insurance is important, and increased purchase intention by 34%.

Brand: HSBC Swift Guard Critical Illness Plan
Client: HSBC Life
Agency: Grey Advertising Hong Kong Limited
Language: English

2024_gr_2024_641_hero_1 payzy by COSMOTE Paizi?
2024_pk_2024_e-2648-832_hero_1 Automotive Insurance Jubilee Car Insurance
2024_us_2024_e-8908-997_hero_1 The General The General Sound Studio

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