
Entertainment & Sports

Includes all forms of entertainment.  E.G. apps, movies, programming (TV, online, radio), books, DVDs, videogames, board games, etc.  Sporting events such as the Super Bowl, sports teams, etc.



How Will it Move You?

Wii Fit, an exercise program for the Wii console using a wireless peripheral balance board, is about a product in translation; it created a step-change in the gaming world with a product that fit neatly into a predefined category. The campaign created a movement to get moms on board and America moving more. It took Nintendo from the testosterone-fueled world of gaming to lifestyle-entertainment. The result was an unprecedented success - moving brand measures, moving product and ultimately moving moms.

Brand: Nintendo
Client: Nintendo of North America
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Language: English

Where Amazing Happens

Heading into the 2007-08 NBA season, the NBA was looking to capitalize on the intense competition among teams and extraordinary talent around the league. In order to reignite passion among fans, the league needed to take control of the NBA conversation and focus attention to the game "on the court." What the NBA needed was a campaign that could be a place where anything and everything great about the game happens. Result was: "Where Amazing Happens."

Brand: NBA
Client: NBA
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Language: English

Is It Monday Yet?

In fall of 2006, after 36 years on ABC, Monday Night Football moved to ESPN. Our challenge for communications was to preserve the sanctity of this event while celebrating the move to ESPN. After talking to fans, we realized that the rituals and significance of MNF were just as important to football fans as the game itself. In fact, MNF changed how football fans saw the entire week. The "Is It Monday Yet?" campaign looks at each day of the week from the unique perspective of a football fan.

Brand: ESPN
Client: ESPN
Agency: Wieden + Kennedy
Language: English

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2023_mn_2023_e-4011-716_hero_1 Cote & Sport The bet only a Moroccan brand can take
2023_uk_2023_e-891-938_hero_1 The Rugby League World Cup 2021 (RLWC2021) The RLWC2021: A record breaking World Cup with real impact

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