
Small Budgets - Services

This category recognizes cases with communications efforts that ran on a small budget (Local Efforts - $1 million or less, Regional Efforts - $2 million or less, and National Efforts - $5 million or less). 



Discover Ipswich - Humans Wanted

Ipswich’s recent tourism success has come from thinking differently, researching our audience and challenging conventional marketing. Our goal – increase Domestic Overnight Visitation. Our Google Trekker ‘Human Wanted’ campaign embraced new technology and aligned with Australia’s #1 website – Google Maps – usually applied to National Parks but we became the first region in the Southern Hemisphere to map our visitor precincts, walks and highlights. The journey to create this new visitor resource became a narrative for online audiences to maintain their interest over a year, build awareness, market the destination and reap free media coverage in the process.

Brand: Ipswich City Council
Client: Ipswich City Council
Agency: N/A
Language: English

Prescribed to Death

How can you get Americans to take the threat of prescription opioids seriously when they don’t believe addiction can happen to them?  This was National Safety Council’s challenge as they sought to combat the surging prescription opioid epidemic. To maximize their small budget, they invested in a live and virtual memorial, believing it would earn more media attention than they could afford in traditional channels. The risk payed off; the program earned media fame for NSC and gave over 1 million Americans a life-saving tool to protect themselves from addiction.

Brand: National Safety Council
Client: National Safety Council
Agency: Energy BBDO
Language: English

Olivia Gets Hired

Liv. Bank, a digital-only bank, was struggling to keep up with its customer service demands, as its human agents were flooded with a steady increase in queries and complaints. 
Liv. launched a chatbot to help bridge the servicing gap, however it needed to communicate it in a way that was memorable to help build immediate affinity.
By allowing its customers to take part in shortlisting and selecting the new chatbot, it not only built affinity, but also allowed for a drastic reduction in interactions with human agents.

Brand: Liv. Bank
Client: Liv. Bank
Agency: Netizency
Language: English

2023_mn_2023_e-4123-019_hero_1 Dosy Freedom
2023_us_2023_e-7987-821_hero_1 Business Iceland OutHorse Your Email
2023_us_2023_e-7901-734_hero_1 Navy Federal Credit Union (NFCU) Name Change

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