
Media Innovation



Cyber Defence & Security Operation Center für Deutsche Telekom

Unser Auftrag: Die Marktführerschaft der Deutschen Telekom im Bereich Cybersecurity zu kommunizieren. Unser Ansatz: Weit mehr als nur eine Kampagne für Sicherheit im Internet – das Security Operations Center. Ein Raum, der gleichermaßen digitaler Showroom und echter Arbeitsplatz von Sicherheitsexperten der Deutschen Telekom ist. Ihre Arbeit wird hier zum Markenerlebnis und faszinierenden Echtzeit-Content auf 270° Screens mit 55 Millionen Pixeln. Nicht nur ein Imagefaktor sondern auch ein echtes Sales-Argument für die Cybersecurity-Lösungen der Deutschen Telekom.

Brand: Cyber Defence & Security Operation Center für Deutsche Telekom
Client: Deutsche Telekom AG
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Pro – eine Unit der Pixelpark GmbH
Language: German

Transport Ship from Crossfire Sailing into Reality for Thousands Miles along the Yangtze River

2018 is the 10th anniversary of Tencent's classic shooting game CrossFire. As the most classic map, "Transport Ship" has gained lots of players cognition and recognition. We built an exactly the same ship and brought the game map into reality. This is the first attempt in the game marketing in China. We succeeded in obtaining government permission, and conquered high temperature, typhoon, flood and other difficulties. Finally, the transport ship completed its 1,800-kilometer journey along the Yangtze river. We held meet-and-greet meetings in four cities on the way, and worked with artisans to recreate regional culture. We continuously broadcast for 24 hours in 14 days, and created an interactive program to interact with players. This event successfully attracted the attention of both players and key media. Moreover, it has effectively improved the preference and recommendation of Internet users as well as the data of returning players.

Brand: Tencent Game Cross Fire
Client: Tencent
Agency: BlueFocus Digital
Language: Mandarin


Every Chinese New Year, most brands try to use one brand story to echo with 1.3 billion Chinese or to connect with them emotionally. However, the biggest challenge is that they are trying to connect with the most diversified and young consumers.
Therefore, Pepsi had to find a creative solution to overcome this challenge and stands out during this busiest season of brand marketing.
Therefore, instead of using one brand video for mass communication, Pepsi decided to make 1.3 billion different videos for every single consumer.
Partnered with Alibaba to use each consumer's consumption data and personal tags to customize a CNY video that only belongs to you. You are both the screenwriter and director of the story. “Your Pepsi Home Video” can build one-to-one strong emotional bonding successfully between Pepsi and consumers.

Brand: PepsiCo
Client: PepsiCo China
Agency: VMLY&R China
Language: Mandarin

2023_ap_2023_ss-mv006_hero_1 Grab Turning Grab drivers into food marketers
2023_eu_2023_e-1037-306_hero_1 Doritos Crunch Cancellation
2023_la_2023_e-2898-215_hero_1 BI Credit YO NO COMPRÉ ESTO, compras absurdas para burlarnos del miedo al uso de tarjetas

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