
Carpe Diem - Products

This award will go to those marketing ideas that had the ability to burn intensely for a finite period of time, putting a brand or product in a bright spotlight and creating immediate and measurable impact.



Aperitivo Time

Usually, stars in advertising are used to attract attention and to associate a certain lifestyle with a brand. In our case, the arrival of star chef Lorenzo Kogo to Kiev was the key driver of all brand marketing activities. Lorenzo Kogo became not just the face of the brand and the reason to believe that Martini was compatible with food, but also helped create a system in which each establishment prepared its own snack recipes for Martini & Tonic cocktails. Thanks to the individual approach of different establishments to snacks, we made it clear to people that Aperitivo Time is not just the same promotional offer “everywhere and for everyone”, but a whole culture.

Client: Bacardi-Martini Ukraine
Agency: Rockets. Growth R&D
Language: English

Before And After New Year

Being the biggest player on the market, Nasha Ryaba had never before spoken of itself as a national Ukrainian brand. Maintaining a new association with the brand was dictated by commercial necessity, since rational quality messages were no longer effective.

Brand: Nasha Ryaba
Client: MHP S.A.
Agency: Rockets. Growth R&D
Language: English


The beginning of the summer outflow of customers from the pub coincided with the Champions League Final in Kyiv. In anticipation of the match the greedy Kyiv hotels increased the rent prices up to $3000 a night. Without having a big budget for advertising, the pub didn't just try to survive in the summer period, but also tried to resist the greedy hotels. Beer Point decided to work all night long to host the foreign fans. We created an invent on Facebook - #FairBnB - Fair Beer and Breakfast. Everyone could drink beer in the pub all night long and celebrate the victory of the beloved team. In the morning free toothbrushes, breakfast and on board!

Brand: Beer Point
Client: Beer Point
Agency: Kinograf
Language: English

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2020_us_2020_e-5265-900_hero_1 Microsoft Changing the Game
2020_us_2020_e-4967-821_hero_1 French's French's Mustard Ice Cream

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