
Commerce & Shopper: Seasonal/Event

This category features events, platforms or programs that were created to meet the demands of the shopper that are driven by a season, holiday or cultural event.   



Fight Hunger. Spark Change.

In 2015, Walmart launched its Fight Hunger. Spark Change. initiative to create a more customer-centric hunger donation program. This new approach created a genuine 3-way partnership between the retailer, its brand partners and its customers to make a huge local impact on the fight against hunger. This highly collaborative, socially supported omnichannel initiative made it so easy for Walmarts Millennial target to participate that it blew past its initial goals, securing 78.8M meals and resulting in Feeding Americas largest campaign to date.

Brand: Walmart
Client: Walmart
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi
Language: English

Big Heart Pet Brands Seasonal Platform Activation

Big Heart Pet Brands understood that pet parents see their pets as part of the family and wanted to make sure our portfolio of treats was a part of that relationship, too. We investigated family treating occasions and discovered a massive disconnect at cultural holidays. Families were treating themselves, and including pets in the celebration via gifts and toys but not giving them special treats. This $350MM opportunity led to an insight about pet gift-giving behavior that inspired us to champion the cause of pets receiving the gifts they really want at the holidays treats.

Brand: Milk-Bone, Pup-Peroni, Milo's Kitchen
Client: Big Heart Pet Brands
Agency: FCB/RED
Language: English

Safety Make-up

Client: P&G
Agency: Grey Mexico
Language: Spanish

2024_us_2024_e-9598-587_hero_1 Amazon Spend Less on Your Kids
2023_us_2023_e-8386-196_hero_1 Tyson This Calls for a Grill
2023_us_2023_e-8632-678_hero_1 Lenovo However You Tech

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