
Agricultural, Industrial & Building

All related products, materials, tools and services.



Right to the Bunk

Cargill developed an all-in-one starter feed for young cattle called RAMP. It was a major innovation in an industry where feeders historically created their own blends. Superior in nutrition, ease of use, and consistency vs. the old method, RAMP had to overcome years of deeply engrained tradition. And it had to do so where the business, and tradition, was most firmly seated Texas, the cattle capital of the world! In just four months following launch, volume tripled vs. goal, revenue grew nearly 300% and market share jumped to 11%.

Brand: Cargill RAMP
Client: Cargill
Agency: Bailey Lauerman
Language: English

Delta Touch2O Technology "Hands"

During the 2009 recession, Delta Faucet was preparing to release a revolutionary technology, Touch2O. Our challenge: launch the most expensive faucet at retail in a highly commoditized, low involvement category during a recession. Our goal: sell 8,000 faucets and increase purchase consideration, brand equity and market share. By uncovering the insight,"Chicken Hands", we created demand for Touch2O using multiple media vehicles relaying the message sometimes your hands could use a hand. Our results: surpassed sales goal by 667% and increased purchase consideration, brand equity and market share.

Brand: Delta Faucet
Client: Delta Faucet Company
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English


United Technologies is a 58 billion dollar company that few people knew about. We needed to get Wall Street investors to take notice of this solid diversified industrial in a way that would inspire them to research, recommend and purchase United Technologies stock- with serious levels of investment. The 'Cross Section' campaign appeals to the dormant little boy in our investor by surrounding him with elaborate and breath-taking cross-sections of the technology, financial success and 'big cool things' that make up United Technologies.

Brand: United Technologies
Client: United Technologies Corporation
Agency: DDB New York
Language: English

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2021_us_2021_e-5999-353_hero_1 American Egg Board The Gift of Eggs
2021_us_2021_e-6391-973_hero_1 DuraCor Herbicide Get More from Every Acre

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