
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 



Things Can Get Pretty Ugly When You're Bored

Following up on the success of their campaign to adults, the Ad Council's Afterschool Alliance decided to target teens. These 9-14 year old generally prefer to go home after school. The Afterschool Alliance sought to convince them they would have more fun attending an after school program. By focusing on how staying home was actually not cool, we got teens interested in after school programs, evidenced by significant traffic to the Afterschool Alliance's dedicated website.

Brand: Afterschool Alliance
Client: Afterschool Alliance
Agency: DDB Chicago
Language: English

Think Again

In a world of sad faces and heartbreaking messages about millions of neglected, disadvantaged and abused children, how do you intrigue potential volunteers to get involved when they already feel ___too human__ for the task? The BBBSA campaign was designed to debunk all the myths about mentoring and generate interest in getting involved with BBBSA. Nine months later, the campaign had an unprecedented success in generating response, beyond any expectations that BBBSA had initially; mentoring applications soared, website visits more than doubled and toll free calls increased by more than 2,000%. The ___Think Again__ campaign has proven to transform perceptions about mentoring and, in doing so, broke the vicious circle the child mentoring category was in.

Brand: Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Client: Big Brothers Big Sister of America
Agency: Lowe and Partners
Language: English

John Hickenlooper for Mayor

Despite running against many better-known and better-funded career politicians, JohnHickenlooper's election victory unexpectedly propelled a political novice, brewpub owner, and self-described "geeky white guy" into the Denver mayor's office by the widest margin in Denver mayoral election history. Hickenlooper's refreshing and critically lauded television campaign, coupled with strategic paid and earned media plans, enabled his campaign to overcome a crowded field of political veterans, raise over $2 million, and secure endorsements from all major Denver publications. The enormous success of Hickenlooper's TV spots enabled the campaign to exceed every goal it set, including fundraising , building support with the press, and persuading voters, running away with the May primary by a 20-point margin (43% to 23%), and ultimately winning the June runoff election 65% to 35%.

Brand: John Hickenlooper for Mayor
Client: John Hickenlooper for Mayor
Agency: North Woods Advertising
Language: English

2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market
2021_us_2021_e-5823-830_hero_1 Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission Catalyst of Choice

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