
Non-Profit / Pro-Bono / Public Service

Communications of a public service nature for a non-profit organization or association, including political messages, and special interest/trade group communications. 



Odds Campaign

Prevalence of Autism has drastically increased. In 2007, 1 in 150 children under the age of 10 will be diagnosed with Autism. However, parents lacked awareness and knowledge of the disorder. Our campaign objectives were to raise awareness of Autism, to educate parents about the prevalence of the disorder, and urge them to visit AutismSpeaks.org to learn more - all by communicating that Autism is more common than they think. The campaign has earned over $80 million in donated media and created a 35% rise in awareness.

Brand: Autism Speaks
Client: Ad Council
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

Not Even Once

The Montana Meth Project serves one clear purpose: to discourage teens 12-17 in the state of Montana from trying meth even once. Our objectives were to help prevent first time use, while also inciting a dialogue among the community about a meth epidemic. The campaign resulted in unprecedented awareness, a heightened education among teens about the dangers of trying meth even once, and a dialogue that reached far beyond the state of Montana. In fact, it has now been recognized by the White House as a model for the nation.

Brand: Montana Meth Project
Client: Montana Meth Project
Agency: Venables Bell & Partners
Language: English

Remember Segregation

Memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and the civil rights struggle in the U.S. has been fading. The goal was to revive a visceral connection to the civil rights era and engage people in the reason for honoring the legacy of Dr. King. The solution, the world's first segregated advertising campaign, allows our audience to experience discrimination firsthand and feel the sting of separate but equal.

Brand: RememberSegregation.Org
Client: RememberSegregation.Org
Agency: DDB Seattle
Language: English

2023_bg_2023_e-2313_hero_1 Foundation Lachezar Tsotsorkov Together against colon cancer
2023_us_2023_e-8049-462_hero_1 9/11 Day State of Unitedness
2023_us_2023_e-7810-027_hero_1 Change the Ref Shock Market

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