
Office & Delivery

Delivery: Overnight delivery, package tracking, international service, etc. Office:Printers, copiers, supplies, office furniture, etc.



Real Help

To motivate consumers to pack and ship their holiday packages with Mail Boxes Etc., the brand appealed to frustrated customers who were dissatisfied with packing and shipping with the U.S. Post Office. These "Busy Shippers" wanted "real help" from an expert like one of the Mail Boxes Etc. owner/operators. The "Real Help" Holiday Campaign led to unprecedented pack and ship revenue for the brand.

Brand: Mail Boxes Etc.
Client: Mail Boxes Etc.
Agency: Doner
Language: English


One of the most vital partners for an e-business in the new economy is its shipping. While FedEx owned the position of gold standard shipping in the off-line world they needed to extend this positioning to the on-line world. In a highly competitive market FedEx needed to create an advertising campaign that clearly established it as the leading choice for on-line delivery systems.

Brand: FedEx
Client: FedEx Corp.
Agency: BBDO
Language: English

What's Your Global Priority?

The USPS was a late comer to the international expedited market and was far behind their main competitors, FedEx and UPS, who had established themselves and the definition of what it took to bean player in this market. Unfortunately, the USPS did not have a product that matched that definition and their most marketable potential entry for growth, Global Priority Mail, was not performing up to expectations. Advertising had to jump start the brand and do it quickly. "What's Your Global Priority?" did just that and did it in a big way with revenue growth of +80% behind the advertising, far exceeding the aggressive goal of +25%, helping to give the USPS a winning entry to the all-important international expedited market.

Brand: Global Priority Mail From The United States Postal Service
Client: United States Postal Service
Agency: FCB New York
Language: English

2020_us_2020_e-4798-114_hero_1 United States Postal Service USPS Delivers
2019_us_2019_e-4013-077_hero_1 United States Postal Service The Biggest Gift
2018_na_2018_e-2669-899_hero_1 HP HP The Wolf

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