
Leisure & Lifestyle

Recreational, sporting, and camping goods/services and other items/services intended for leisure activity.




Brand: McDonald's
Client: McDonald's
Agency: TBWA Paris
Language: French


Brand: Transavia
Client: Air France Klm
Agency: Humanseven
Language: French

Roaming “Aboriginals”

An ad campaign informs that now everyone can share impressions with his/her loved ones in real time when travelling abroad, freely use mobile data in video format and not worry about the price. Kyivstar data roaming is affordable to everyone. It didn’t take long to see the result of such a favorable offer: 53% of Ukrainians choose Kyivstar among other operators in roaming (#1 choice). Moreover, the increase of traffic consumption in roaming is +248%; and the number of subscribers using mobile data is +63% compared to the prior year.

Brand: Kyivstar
Client: Kyivstar
Agency: Serviceplan Ukraine
Language: English

2019_ca_2019_e-178-465_hero_1 Go RVing Bring Back Wildhood
Blog_image ouigo Ouigo let"s go !
Blog_image Olympique de Marseille Om à la folie

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