
Government & Public Service

Municipal or state economic development, lotteries, utilities (i.e. electricity conservation messages), membership drives, forces marketing communications. Includes political messages and special interest/trad



Life Is Calling. How Far Will You Go?

A unique perspective on the target audience led to a powerful strategic and communications platform that repositioned the Peace Corps, got the organization noticed and fueled unprecedented growth in applications. Despite consumer trends and competitive actions that marginalized the brand, this campaign reversed a declining growth rate in interest and applications. As a result the Peace Corps brand is healthy and applications are growing at a faster pace than they have in decades.

Brand: Peace Corps
Client: Peace Corps
Agency: BBDO Atlanta
Language: English

Lotto Relaunch

In fall of 2003, the Washington Lottery was set to relaunch its much- loved Lotto game...but with a twist. Average jackpots would be one sixth the size of what our players had become accustomed to. The future looked bleak with a projected 45% drop in playership and a subsequent 70% decline in revenue. To combat this, the advertising had one clear goal: to convince people that it didn't matter what number preceded the six zeros on their check; if they won Lotto, it would change their life forever. As a result of our campaign, the number of people willing to play for a $1-3 million jackpot almost doubled, while the number of people who said they'd only pay once the jackpot was larger than $10 million decreased by half. We actually gained players, rather than lost. And, Lotto ticket sales hit all-time highs at jackpot levels under $5 million.

Brand: Washington's Lottery
Client: Washington State Lottery
Agency: Publicis West
Language: English

Don't Be This Guy

The "Don't Be This Guy" campaign celebrates the benefits of e-file in a humorous, relatable way by juxtaposing these benefits against the pitfalls of the paper process. This fully-integrated campaign has helped increase e-file awareness and converted that awareness into usage. The campaign exceeded all IRS business goals with a total of 61.2 million users in 2004.

Brand: IRS e-file
Client: Internal Revenue Service
Agency: FCB New York
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_sp-gv002_hero_1 Alcohol. Think Again. One Drink
2023_ap_2023_sp-gv003_hero_1 Republic of Singapore Navy It's not crazy. It's the Navy.
2023_mn_2023_e-3696-136_hero_1 Social Development Bank Shop with Purpose, Empower Productive Families.

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